Wish List

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Items to be considered for the further development of IWRAP as updated at the Sydney Risk Management 2012 Seminar.

High Priority

  • Ability to display the nominal ragne of an AtoN in the IWRAP model (enables analysis of AtoN effectiveness when compared to the density plot).
  • Normalized result (Grounding frequency pr. sailed nm (i.e. Sum of length of all legs multiplied with number of passages)
  • ToYear multiplication factor should be derived from the relevant part of the AIS dataset only. i.e. one could import a dataset covering a very large area, but ones model will only be in one corner of the area. The ToYear factor should only be based on the data from a rectangle enclosing the model (all the legs of the model)
  • One dialog box for all transparency controls
  • Enhance seasonal variation analysis - Indicate sailed distance as function of time in a dataset.
  • Near miss detection based on
  • Auto detect need for splitting legs up due to SOG and/or lateral distribution variation
  • Intelligent naming of Legs and Traffic Distributions utilising the knowledge of north/southbound and west/eastbound.
  • Colour Scheme for polygons. Transparency shoud be set to 50% as default.
  • Colour coding of results should be normalized, i.e. On legs the result should be divided by the length of the leg on polygons, perhaps be divided by the total length of all polygons?
  • Using Raster Charts, the identity of the current map is not displayed anywhere. One solution could be to mark the map in use in the list of maps in the map menu item.
  • When switching between raster maps, the scale changes. Better to keep the scale of the last map used.
  • Absolute chart scale.
  • Causation reduction factor change overview.
  • Model modification report, e.g. list causation changes.
  • Plugin framework, causation factor, display overlay and more.
  • Automatic report generator

See also topics raised at the IWRAP Training Seminar February 2010

Medium priority

  • Change job names or add comments to jobs after they have been completed
  • Ranked list of collisions and groundings results, enable jump to leg, ground, waypoint in geographic result view (High Priority)
  • Should be possible to modify mean time between checks for each leg individually (OFE/05DEC2009)
  • More information into manual about how to choose the value of mean time between checks when analyzing different sea areas
  • Overwrite decimal zeros when keyboarding speeds and frequency adjustment factors in Traffic Volume Distribution Editor (done)
  • Calculate overtaking and head-on collision frequencies per length unit of leg, not per leg (so that longer legs would not look riskier than shorter legs)

Low priority

  • Store ground polygons in separate files (in order to be shared between several models)
  • Different Lateral Distributions for different Vessel types or Draft Classes (Challenge due to very many distributions)
  • Possibility to calculate with monthly traffic volumes (without multiplying volumes by 12 and then dividing results by 12) (Parked)
  • Graphical illustration of differences between 2 jobs (parked)

Wishes that have been fulfilled

  • The lateral distributions should be displayed/represented as heading vectors. This will enable the analyst to determine if a leg should be divided into more than one leg. If a distribution contains a large spread of headings, the leg should be divided into two or even several shorter legs, or possibly even a set of crossing legs.(Done OFE/2012)
  • Possibility to define different area traffic to different parts of the model (Done)
  • Ease polygon digitalization, polygon edit like Google Earth (Done OFE 2012)
  • Ground polygon list (Done OFE/2012)
  • Labelling of polygons (DONE OFE/DEC2009)
  • Ground polygon color definition per depth (DONE OFE/DEC2009)
  • Enable display of partial results (done)
  • Development tool - Migrate to Qt 4.5 (Done)
  • Split and join leg (Done)
  • Remove waypoints, combine legs (Done)
  • Important: END Points - There is a grounding contribution from end points of a leg structure.... grounding calc should end at leg points that are not connected to other legs. (Done I think / OFE)
  • Add UNIX timestamps as one of the timestamp options
  • Legends on density plot
  • Wind and Current "Roses" for each leg
  • AIS Stream recording facility to gather data for IWRAP analysis.
  • For simulation purposes - Introduce a high speed replay of traffic situation using data from the AIS data base
  • Solve the Frequent Ferry Problem (number of vessels on a leg compared to number of passages)
  • Make it possible to select certain parts of the AIS dataaset for an analysis (graphically)
  • Display leg length when it is being drawn
  • Possible to display the location of historical groundings and collisions including text details of incident.
  • Colour scheme for polygons. The blue scale should be reversed making the deepest polygon the most dark blue shade.