ENG - 1

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This meeting contains 78 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.4 1. - Introduction
Document title: ENG1-1.4 Draft Agenda (20141114)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Nov 2014
1.5 1. - Introduction
Document title: ENG1-1.5 Programme for week
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
10.10.1 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.1 Input paper to ENG-1 E141 Ed 3 shgb
Originator: Acadamy
25 Sep 2014
10.10.2 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.2 E-141 Ed3 Standards for Training and Certification of AtoN Personnel Draft Edition 3
Originator: Acadamy
25 Sep 2014
10.10.3 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.3 Model Course L2.1.7 Buoy Moorings Ed 2 Dec 2014
Originator: WWA
12 Nov 2014
10.10.4 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.4 Model Course L2.2.1 DC Power Systems Ed 2 Dec 2014
Originator: WWA
12 Nov 2014
10.10.5 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.5 Model Course L2.2.2 Primary and Secondary Battery Maintenance Ed 2 Dec 2014
Originator: WWA
12 Nov 2014
10.10.6 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.10.6 Model Course L2.2.3 Photovoltaic (Solar panel) systems and maintenance Ed 2 Dec 2014
Originator: WWA
12 Nov 2014
10.13.1 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.13.1 (e-NAV14- Information Paper on Technical Guidelines for implenetation of VDES v1
Originator: e-NAV14
08 Oct 2014
10.13.2 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.13.2 (e-NAV14- Information paper on vdes v2
Originator: e-NAV14
08 Oct 2014
10.13.3 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.13.3 Liaison note to all Committees and PAP on IALA involvement with IMO SIP Tasks (ENAV15-14.1.4)
Originator: ENAV15
21 Oct 2014
10.13.4 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.13.4 Liaison note to Committees and PAP - Proposed Product Specification Numbering Scheme for IALA Domains (ENAV15-14.1.7)
Originator: ENAV15
21 Oct 2014
10.3.1 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.3.1 Provision of AtoNs in hot climatic conditions MENAS - input paper note- MENAS
Originator: Shaheen H Mirza
21 Oct 2014
10.3.2 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.3.2 Provision of AtoNs in Extremely Hot Climatic Conditions-MENAS_FINAL
Originator: Shaheen H Mirza
21 Oct 2014
10.5.1 10. - WG#2 – Knowledge
Document title: ENG1-10.5.1 Draft L1 Model course IALA WWA.L1.5 on Lighthouse Decommissioning Rev 0 Oct 14
Originator: Academy
21 Oct 2014
11.1.1 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.1 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 20141121
22 Nov 2014
11.1.10 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.10 Proposal amendment IALA Guideline 1078 - Netherlands
22 Nov 2014
11.1.11 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.11 Liaison note to ANM about the Navguide audible signal update
22 Nov 2014
11.1.12 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.12 Liaison note from ENG1 to ARM Committee re update of Rec E141
22 Nov 2014
11.1.2 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.2 ENG Committee WG Terms of Reference 20141121
22 Nov 2014
11.1.3 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.3 L1 Model course IALA WWA.L1.5 on Historic Lighthouse Projects 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.1.4 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.4 L2.1.7 Buoy Moorings Ed 2 Dec 2014 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.1.5 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.5 L2.2.1 DC Power Systems Ed 2 Dec 2014 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.1.6 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.6 L2.2.2 Primary and Secondary Battery Maintenance Ed 2 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.1.7 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.7 L2.2.3 Photovoltaic (Solar panel) systems and maintenance Ed 2 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.1.8 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.8 draft Recommendation E-141 Ed3 Standards for Training and Certification of AtoN Personnel 20141119
22 Nov 2014
11.1.9 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.1.9 Liaison Note to ARM1 from ENG1 re Guideline 1078
22 Nov 2014
11.2.1 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.1 ENG Work Programme Task Register 2014-18 20141121
22 Nov 2014
11.2.2 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.2 WG2 Review of IALA documents working paper - working report buoys and moorings 2014120
22 Nov 2014
11.2.3 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.3 WG2 Review of IALA documents working paper- Power Systems 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.2.4 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.4 WG2 Review of IALA documents working paper 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.2.5 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.5 WG1 draft revised Guideline 1041 on sector lights 20141119
22 Nov 2014
11.2.6 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.6 WG2 Proposed new Guideline on Maintenance of AtoN structures 20141120
22 Nov 2014
11.2.7 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.7 WG2 Amendment of CALMAR mooring calculation software
22 Nov 2014
11.2.8 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.8 WG1 draft Guideline 1061 on the illumination of structures
22 Nov 2014
11.2.9 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG1-11.2.9 WG1 Trials and Implementation of the Fixed and Flashing Rhythmic Character on Estonian AtoN 20141110
22 Nov 2014
13.1 13. - Review of session report
Document title: ENG1-13.1 Report ENG1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
29 Apr 2015
2.1.1 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.1.1 IALA Strategic Vision 2012-2026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
2.2.1 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.2.1 IALA Committee Structure 2014-2018
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
2.2.2 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.2.2 ENG Committee WG Terms of Reference (20141117)
Originator: Simon Millyard
17 Nov 2014
2.2.3 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.2.3 IALA Strategy
Originator: IALA Secretariat
19 Nov 2014
2.3.1 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.3.1 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-2018
Originator: Simon Millyard
26 Sep 2014
2.3.2 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.3.2 ENG Document Ownership Master Record - 2014-07-24
Originator: Malcolm Nicholson
25 Sep 2014
2.3.3 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.3.3 ENG Work Programme Task Register 2014-18 (20141023)
Originator: Simon Millyard
15 Nov 2014
2.3.4 2. - ENG1 Programme
Document title: ENG1-2.3.4 EEP21 Work Program Ideas (EEP21-14.2.14)
Originator: EEP21
21 Oct 2014
3.1 3. - Review of action items from EEP21
Document title: ENG1-3.1 Action items from EEP21
Originator: EEP21
25 Sep 2014
3.2 3. - Review of action items from EEP21
Document title: ENG1-3.2 Report EEP21
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
4.2 4. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENG1-4.2 Input paper Committee template July 2014
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12 Sep 2014
5.1.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.1.1 Council 56 Report 2013-12-13
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.1.2 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.1.2 Council 57 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.1.3 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.1.3 Council 58 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.10.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.10.1 2014-07-04 MDC report of IMO NCSR1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.11.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.11.1 PIANC-PTGCC EnviCom Working Group 178 invitation letter
Originator: Simon Millyard
23 Oct 2014
5.11.2 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.11.2 PIANC EnviCom WG 178 Terms of Ref.pdf
Originator: Simon Millyard
23 Oct 2014
5.2.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.2.1 Report - 18th IALA Conference
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.2.2 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.2.2 Pre-18th IALA Conference Seminar Report final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Oct 2014
5.2.3 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.2.3 18th IALA Conference Conclusions and Actions (PAP28-14.3)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Oct 2014
5.3.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.3.1 Report of PAP26
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.4.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.4.1 Report of PAP27
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.5.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.5.1 Report of PAP28 (PAP28-14.1)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Oct 2014
5.6.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.6.1 MSC 93-22 - Report Of The Maritime Safety Committee meeting
Originator: IMO
15 Nov 2014
5.7.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.7.1 IMO NAV 59-20 - Report To The Maritime Safety Committee (Secretariat)
Originator: IMO
25 Sep 2014
5.8.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.8.1 e-Navigation Underway 2014 report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
25 Sep 2014
5.9.1 5. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG1-5.9.1 e-Nav Underway USA Conference Communique v1.6
Originator: Bill Cairns
25 Sep 2014
6.4.1 6. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG1-6.4.1 Developments in New Light Sources Rapporteur report ENG1
Originator: Malcolm Nicholson
15 Nov 2014
6.6.1 6. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG1-6.6.1 Rapporteur report on Developments in AtoN Simulation Systems
Originator: Jong-Uk Kim
15 Nov 2014
7.1.1 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.1.1 IALA WWA brief Nov 14 Rev 0
Originator: Stephen Bennett
18 Nov 2014
7.2.1 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.2.1 AtoN telematics for Structural Health Monitoring 20141117
Originator: Aivar Usk
18 Nov 2014
7.4.1 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.4.1 Recent modifications and upgrade projects within the AMSA network
Originator: Greg Hanson
18 Nov 2014
7.5.1 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.5.1 Presentation Fixed Flashing Lights Viewing Trial
Originator: Malcolm Nicholson
18 Nov 2014
7.6.1 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.6.1 Fuel Cells
Originator: Simon Millyard
18 Nov 2014
7.6.2 7. - Presentations
Document title: ENG1-7.6.2 Lightfloat LF2 Fuel Cells
Originator: Peter Dobson
18 Nov 2014
9.4.1 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.1 Draft revised Guideline 1041 on Sector Lights
Originator: EEP21
25 Sep 2014
9.4.2 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.2 draft guideline 1061 on the illumination of structures
Originator: EEP21
25 Sep 2014
9.4.3 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.3 Proposal amendment IALA Guideline 1078 - Netherlands
Originator: Pieter Paap
06 Oct 2014
9.4.4 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.4 Trials and Implementation of the Fixed and Flashing Rhythmic Character on Estonian AtoN 20141110
Originator: Aivar Usk
12 Nov 2014
9.4.5 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.5 Report-Research of degradation characteristics of LED lanterns
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
15 Nov 2014
9.4.6 9. - WG#1 – Visual
Document title: ENG1-9.4.6 Need for harmonizing requirements to leading line dayboard dimensions in IALA documentation (Guideline 1023)
Originator: Aivar Usk
16 Nov 2014
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