Control Message

Introduction/Additional information:

The proposed message shall be used to control and configure the broadcasting of ASM from ship by the competent authority. By default, all broadcast ASM from ship (except ETA and PoB) shall be forbidden unless explicitly allowed in a specific region by the competent authority. The Control Message allows to specify the region of applicability through the UN country code, the fairway section code and optional river-km section. The Control Message further defines its own timeout value, the Application Identifier of the ASM to be controlled (enabled or disabled) and the reporting rate of the controlled ASM. After the timeout, a disabling message or when the controlled area is left, the ship has to stop broadcasting the related ASM.

Message number:
Number of slots (max):
Technical point of contact:


Proposed name of the application Control Message (1 slot)
Data field Parameter name Number of bits Description
1 UN country code 12 2 * 6bit ascii characters, UN Country code of applicable country
2 Fairway section number 17 Bit coded numerical value, 1-99999,
0 = not applicable, to which control message it is applicable
3 Fairway kilometre Start 12 Start kilometre of the fairway section where the control message applies
bit coded numerical value, 0-4000,
4095 = the whole fairway section, rest not used
4 Fairway kilometre End 12 End kilometre of the fairway section where the control message applies
bit coded numerical value, 0-4000,
4095 = the whole fairway section, rest not used
5 Application Identifier of controlled ASM 16 DAC and FI of the shipborne ASM to be controlled
DAC = 200, FI = XXX
6 Timeout value 11 Timeout of the Control Message in minutes
bit coded numerical value,
0 = forever until disabled message has been received,
1-2047 timeout in minutes, default = 120
7 Reporting interval 8 Reporting interval of the controlled ASM in minutes
Bit coded numerical value,
0 = default = default value specified for the controlled ASM,
1-255 reporting interval
8 Enable-Disable 1 0 = Disable message, default
1 = Enable message