Fairway closed

Introduction/Additional information:

This message should be used to inform ships, in particular to give guidance to large vessels about temporary closed fairways or sections in ports. Attributes: broadcast, shore station transmitting, no acknowledgement.

IMO Circ. 236
Message number:
Number of slots (max):
Permitted as from:
Not to be used after:
 Parameter  No. of Bits  Description
 Message ID 6  Identifier for Message 8; always 8
 Repeat Indicator 2  Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has been repeated.
 Source ID 30  Name of source station
 Spare 2  Not used. Should be set to zero.
 IAI 16  DAC = 001; FI = 13
 Reason for closing 120  Maximum 20 characters 6-bit ASCII
“@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@” = not available = default
 Location of closing from 120  Maximum 20 characters 6-bit ASCII
“@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@” = not available = default
 Location of closing To 120  Maximum 20 characters 6-bit ASCII
“@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@” = not available = default
 Extension of closed area (radius) 10  extension;  (valid range 0-1000, 1001 = not available = default)
 Unit of extension value 2  0=[m], 1=[km], 2=[nm], 3=[cbl]
 Closing from day 5  1-31;  0 = day not available = default
 Closing from month 4  1-12;  0 = month unavailable = default; 13-15 unused
 From LT hour (appr) 5 0-23; 24 = LT hour not available = default; 25-31 not used
 From LT minute (appr) 6 0-59; 60 = LT minute not available = default; 61-63 not used
 To day 5  1-31;  0 = day not available = default
 To month 4  1-12;  0 = month unavailable = default; 13-15 unused
 To LT hour (appr) 5 0-23; 24 = LT hour not available = default; 25-31 not used
 To LT minute (appr) 6 0-59; 60 = LT minute not available = default; 61-63 not used
 Spare 4
 Total number of bits   472  occupies 3 slots