Topical matters

AtoN Software


IALA offers a solar sizing tool , that is associated with Guideline 1039 Design Solar Power Systems for Aids to Navigation. This tool enables the user to design a solar power supply for use with AtoN. Please also see here the Manual related to this tool.

Some input data relating to location is necessary for utilizing the solar sizing tool. There are a number of means of accessing and examples are provided below.

The NASA website provides public access to meteorology and solar energy data for particular locations. It can be accessed via the following link.

Another source of PV potential data for Europe and Asia-Africa can be accessed via the following link.

Geographical data is required for the calculation of solar insolation and night / day hours. Precise information on locations can be easily derived via the following link.

Guideline 1039 provides detailed guidance on how to use the excel solar sizing tool and provides some general information on solar power and batteries. It is recommended that the solar sizing tool be used in conjunction with the guideline, to allow the user to get best benefit from the tool.