The Council is the governing body of IALA, comprising of 23 elected members and a President and Vice President. The Council is elected by the Member States of the Organization during a General Assembly and meets twice a year. At the last General Assembly, in Singapore in February 2025, a new council was elected.
Council Members
Member State | Organization |
Brazil | Marine Aids to Navigation Center “Almirante Moraes Rego” (President) |
India | Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships (Vice President) |
United Kingdom | Trinity House (Treasurer) |
Albania | Albanian Hydrographic Service |
Australia | Australian Maritime Safety Authority |
Belgium | Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services |
Canada | Canandian Coast Guard |
Chile | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile |
People’s Republic of China | Ministry of Transport of The Poeple’s Republic of China |
Croatia | Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure |
Denmark | Danish Maritime Authority |
Finland | Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency |
France | Ministry of the Sea |
Germany | Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency |
Ireland | Commissioners of Irish Lights |
Japan | Japan Coast Guard |
Republic of Korea | Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries |
Malaysia | Ministry of Transport of Malaysia |
The Netherlands | Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management |
Norway | Norwegian Coastal Administration |
Romania | Maritime Hydrographic Directorate of Romania |
Singapore | Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore |
Spain | State Ports |
Sweden | Swedish Maritime Administration |
Türkiye | Directorate General of Coastal Safety |