RTA at lock/bridge/terminal

 Parameter  Bit  Description
 Message ID 6  Identifier for Message 6; always 6
  Repeat Indicator 2  Used by the repeater to indicate how many times a message has been repeated. Default = 0 ; 3 = do not repeat any more
 Source ID 30  MMSI number of source station
 Sequence Number 2  0 – 3
 Destination ID 30  MMSI number of destination station
  Retransmit Flag 1  Retransmit Flag should be set upon retransmission: 0 = no retransmission = default;  1 = retransmitted.
 Spare 1  Not used, should be set to zero. Reserved for future use.
 Application Identifier 16  As described in Table 2,6
 UN country code 12  2*6 Bit characters
 UN location code 18  3*6 Bit characters
 Fairway section number 30  5*6 Bit characters
 Terminal code 30  5*6 Bit characters
 Fairway hectometre 30  5*6 Bit characters
 RTA at lock/bridge/terminal 20  Recommended Time of Arrival
MMDDHHMM UTC Bits 19 – 16: month  1 – 12;  0 = not available = default
Bits 15 – 11: day  1 – 31  0 = not available = default
Bits 10 – 6: hour  0 – 23  24 = not available = default
Bits 5 – 0: minute  0 – 59 60 = not available = default
 Lock/bridge/terminal status 2  0 = operational
1 = limited operation (e.g. obstructed by technical conditions, only one lock chamber available, etc.)
2 = out of order
3 = not available
 Spare 2  Not used, should be set to zero. Reserved for future use.
232  occupies 2 slots