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Event Series Event Series: ENAV29 WG3 TG-3.2: G1117

ENAV29 WG3 TG-3.2: G1117

21 March , 2022 @ 11:00 - 15:00 UTC+0

  • Task 3.2: revision of G1117
    • consider input from intersessional
    • consider all other inputs (homework)
    • * revise chapter 2.6: Johan -> Ross [ongoing -> eNAV29]
      * revise chapter 2.2: Stefan P. [draft done, ongoing -> eNAV29]
      * draft how to use ASM:DAC as a mechanism on VDE digital data
      * Mesh networking & message forwarding -TER and -SAT: Ross, Johnny [eNAV29]
      * prevening shadow areas
      * for redundancy
      * AtoN use cases: use AIS, ASM and VDE: Ross [eNAV29]
      * AtoN information broadcast
      * sensor data via ASM and VDE
      * monitoring and maintenance over VDE
      * message store and forwarding (ASM and VDE), including AIS rebroadcast/forward
      * as R-mode transmitting station
      * +UC: fishing authentication: subchapter to authenticated position reporting: Tom [eNAV29]
      * usage of GNSS hight for shore authorities (ASM/VDE) -> create ASM contining this: Johnny <- Kaisu [eNAV29]
      * §3.8 maybe add ref. to S-211: Kaisu [eNAV29]
      * Annex A: add ASM: Johnny [eNAV29]
      * Annex A: add SAT: Stefan [eNAV29]
      * +UC on R-mode: very simple and short, refer to the R-mode guidline for the details: Ronald [eNAV29]
      R-mode should be added to G1117 to indicate to the public (including IMO) that VDES is a competent host for R-mode
      * +UC on Gallielo return link relaying, Manuel [eNAV29]
      * +UC on MASS: Yoshida san [-> eNAV29, Wednesday 16/3-2022]
      * + §2.2 priority handling in VDE-SAT link layer, and for VDE-TER on PI: Stefan [eNAV29]
      + §2.2 add: requirements on availability of routing option,
      feedback to the ship applications on success of transferred messages
      + how to ensure that certain encryption algorithms are not used in countries where they are not allowed (e.g. AES-256)
      * AP: Stefan to ask Johan abt. adding UC to MASS chapter on “ship prediction for MASS” & RTK retransmission [eNAV29]
      * + UC GMDSS DSC functionality taken over by VDES, +LRIT, +digital voice colocation with VDES: Jorge Arroyo [eNAV29]
    • review of these inputs inside the precompiled document
    • definition of actions needed before approval
    • planning of work and approval session [target is before the end of eNAV29]


21 March , 2022
11:00 - 15:00
Event Category: