WG3 PLENARY Session: we start in the agenda from the top, establish subgroups where applicable and may start with Task 3.2 as part of the plenary group.
Our agenda for the week in WG3 is right now (DRAFT):
- reports and status from relevant other work groups:
- IMO (Stefan Bober with regards to 1371, Hideki with regards to VDES)
- IEC (Stefan Bober)
- MCC (Stefan Pielmeier)
- ITU (Stefan Bober)
- RTCM (Johnny and Ross)
- Status from the G1117 workshop (Stefan Pielmeier and Stefan Bober)
- task item status review
- INPUTs review
- official inputs
- unofficial inputs
- Urgent liasions
- ENAV30-5.2.12 & .1 ITU WRC23 and R-mode [urgent]
- ENAV30- digital voice INF paper to IMO
- ENAV30-5.2.8 VDES and digital VHF at WRC-23, amendments by ENG
- Task 3.2 VDES
- IEC proposal for a VDES Content Header: Decision on where to put it.
- VDES 2092 change proposals
- ENAV30- China MSA input
- ENAV30- Review of VDE-TER Receiver Sensitivity Requirements, Korea [input to IEC work]
- ENAV30- & ENAV30- 20220830_M2092-1_CP_TBD_JS.docx, GLA
- ENAV30-5.2.2, IEC TC80 WG15
- G1117 finalization
- check on homework/updates
- consider inclusion of ENAV30-5.2.5 as a use case (support maritime single window transport)?
- MASS use case [chaired by Koichi Yoshida, 2 hours]
- VDES Roadmap: any updates needed, [see in working folder]
- R-mode:
- ENAV30-5.2.7 consider common workshop (Ronald Raulefs)
- VDES Resource sharing subtask group
- Information papers:
- ENAV30-5.2.13 The Open Digial Incubator Initiative: G1117 should be part of it, VDES used as tranport bearer as it will be available on all vessels
- ENAV30-5.2.14 S-100 workshop report: ignoring VDES as S-100 transport, why?
- ENAV30- Request to develop a guideline for VDES resource sharing
- ENAV30- IP over VDES, Korea
- ENAV30- MSI over VDES in Bohai Sea, China MSA
- New Work Programme Tasks
- review of new items (INPUT ENAV30- Draft committee work programme 2023-2027 post PAP47): our proposed items from ENAV28 are missing still, why?
- ENAV30- (source WG2)
- new Work Item for: “move AIS traffic to new VDES channels”
- Task 3.3 AIS
- ENAV30- working draft of guideline on AIS VDES VDL integrity monitoring
- Information Papers
- ENAV30- Portable AIS Analyzer, China MSA (can we get a presentation?)
- Other
- ENAV30-5.2.1 Reduction of false GMDSS alarms
- ENAV30-5.2.4 review the draft recommendation on cyber security
- [only 29th of SEPT] Review OUTPUTS and WG Report