This search engine indexes the content of a collection of IALA standards, recommendations, guidelines, model courses and manuals, currently in force.

These two search operators are supported:
- Quotes to search by phrase. Put your query in quotes (” “) for an exact match.
Example: “bill gates”. In this case no pages or documents that mention something like “you have to pay this bill to open the gates” would come up in your search. - Negation to exclude a term. Put a minus (-) right before the word that you want to remove from search results.
Example: bill -gates. In this case all pages or documents mentioning bill and NOT mentioning gates would be found.
Note the space between bill and the minus (-). If you omit the space and use bill-gates it will be treated as a phrase, and “bill-gates” will come up in your search as well as both bill and gates.
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