
Diplomatic Conference

Welcome to the Diplomatic Conference Webpage

At its XIIth session held in A Coruña, Spain, in May 2014, the IALA General Assembly adopted a resolution stating its firm belief that intergovernmental status will best facilitate IALA’s aims in the 21st century and determining that the new status should be achieved, as soon as possible, through the development of an international treaty instrument (IALA GA Resolution A.01 of 27 May 2014).

The Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation was finalized during the Diplomatic Conference held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 25 to 28 February 2020. The Final Act of the Convention was signed by 50 States. The Convention will be open for signature by all member States of the United Nations in November 2020 in Paris, France.

Please find below the outcomes of the Diplomatic Conference, the Final Act, the Convention, the  Resolutions, and the Reports from the Conference and a Statement from Colombia.

Final Act of the Conference

Acta Final de la Conferencia

Acte Final de la Conférence

KL Convention

Conference Resolutions

KL CW Record of Decisions

KL PL Record of Decisions

Statement from Colombia