ARM - 16

Date: 24/10/2022 to 04/11/2022
Venue: HQ

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This meeting contains 84 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
6.0 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.0 Input paper committee meeting template
Originator: Secretariat
29 Sep 2022
2.1 2. Review of action items
Document title: ARM16-2.1 ARM15 Action Items
Originator: Secretariat
29 Sep 2022
6.1 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.1.2 Working paper list
Originator: Secretariat
29 Sep 2022
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM16-1.4.0 Programme for the physical week
Originator: Secretariat
29 Sep 2022 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16- Draft Report 4th session MASS Task Force Meeting (MTF04-11.1)
Originator: MASS TF
04 Oct 2022 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16- Draft guideline on developments and implications of maritime autonomous surface ships for coastal authorities
Originator: MASS TF
04 Oct 2022 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16- MASS roadmap (MTF04-8.2)
Originator: MASS TF
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.1 Liason note from ENAV to all committees on developments in IMT related to termination of 2G and 3G service
Originator: ENAV Committee
04 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.1 Description Maritime Service for VTS - Cover Note
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- Description of Maritime Service 1- VTS (VTS52-
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.2 PAP47 Draft input to IMO on IALAs contribution to the development of the description of the maritime services
Originator: PAP47
04 Oct 2022
3.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16-3.2.1 Report on IMO NCSR9
Originator: Secretariat
04 Oct 2022
3.3 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16-3.3.1 2022 Final Report Digital@Sea NA
Originator: Secretariat
04 Oct 2022
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16- The Open Digital Incubator Initiative
Originator: PAP47 and Secretariat
04 Oct 2022
5.3 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.3.2 Task proposal 2023-2027_Training material for AtoN awareness for Mariners.V1
Originator: SAMSA
04 Oct 2022
5.3 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.3.3 Task Proposal on Registration of Drone in IALA Dictionary and Establishing WWA Model Course
Originator: Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation
04 Oct 2022
5.3 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.3.1 Task proposal 2023-2027_Incorporate all references re. AtoN Availability Info in 1 doc.V1
Originator: SAMSA
04 Oct 2022
5.1 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.1.1 Updated ARM Task Plan post ARM15
Originator: ARM15
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.3 Tidal current chart drawing test by using multi-functional buoy in Shanghai port
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.2 Experience Sharing on the AtoNs Adjustment for Ship Routing System of Qiongzhou Strait
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.2 Experience Sharing on the AtoNs Adjustment for Ship Routing System of Qiongzhou Strait
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
7.2 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- Annex:Draft Revised R0132 Quality Management for Aids to Navigation Authorities
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.1 AtoN Classification Applicable to Maritime Surface Autonomous Ships (MASS) Guideline
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.2 Liaison note from VTS52 to PAP, MTF and all committees on MASS
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- Discussion paper - Implications of MASS from a VTS Perspective
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
7.2 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.2.1 Proposal for Draft Revised R0132 on Quality Management for Aids to Navigation Authorities
Originator: China MSA
04 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- Attachment - draft description of Maritime Service 1- VTS
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
8.5 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.5.1 Liaison Note to ARM on Guideline G1105
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
8.5 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- Revised Recommendation R0125 VTS Portrayal
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
8.5 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- draft Guideline Gnnnn Portrayal of VTS information
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.3 Work on a technical service for provisioning of AtoN information
Originator: DLR, KRISO, FTIA
04 Oct 2022
8.5 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.4 Liaison note from VTS53 to PAP and ARM on Draft description of Maritime Service 1- VTS
Originator: VTS53
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16- WG1 - Report from TG1.2.5 and TG1.4.3 Joint Session
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.4 Liaison Note from VTS52 to all committees re Task 1.4.3 Future VTS
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16- WP Task 1.4.3 Future VTS Discussion Paper (Output from VTS52)
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- WP TG.1.2.5 Discussion paper - Implications of MASS from a VTS Perspective (as at VTS52)
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- WG1 - Report from TG1.2.5 and TG1.4.3 Joint Session
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
7.2 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.2.2 Liaison Note from VTS52 to PAP and ARM on Guideline 1052 Quality Management Systems for AtoN Service Delivery
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.3 Liaison Note to re Task 1.2.5 Implications of MASS from a VTS Perspective
Originator: VTS52
04 Oct 2022
3.0 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM16-3.5.1 Report on the Joint IHO IALA Workshop S-100 S-200 Product Specification Development & Portrayal
Originator: Workshop
06 Oct 2022
5.3 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.3.4 WP Draft ARM Task Plan 2023 - 2027
Originator: CMT
06 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.5 Liaison note to all Committees on New Technology Review
Originator: ENAV30
06 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.4 MSC106-INF.6 Development of a Goal-Based Instrunment for MASS
Originator: IMO MSC
06 Oct 2022
8.7 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.7.1 Liaison note from ENAV to ARM on cyber security (ENAV30-12.1.4)
Originator: ENAV30
06 Oct 2022
8.7 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- DRAFT Recommendation - Cyber Security within the IALA domains - post ENAV30 (ENAV30-
Originator: ENAV30
06 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.6 MASS Guideline_Comparison_20220323(TG) vs 20220811(JCJ)
Originator: WG1 Chair
18 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.5 20220811 - IALA MASS Guideline ARM16 input clean version
Originator: WG1 Chair
18 Oct 2022
8.6 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.6.1 Possible update of S101 AtoN portrayal
Originator: NCA
18 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.5 NIPWG Recommendations for S-125 development
Originator: IHO NIPWG Chair
18 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- Task 1.5.4 IALA Dictionary_New and amended definitions_V3
Originator: TG-1.5.4
20 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.7 Input Paper Task 1.5.4 Guidance on AtoN Training and Awareness for Mariners
Originator: TG-1.5.4
20 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16- Task 1.5.4 Guidance on AtoN Training and Awareness for Mariners_V5
Originator: TG-1.5.4
20 Oct 2022
7.3 7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM16-7.3.8 Input paper_TG 1.5.4_Dictionary contributions
Originator: TG-1.5.4
20 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.6 Information on an upcoming S-125 testbed at the IHO S-100 Lab v2
Originator: IHO-NIPWG Chair, KRISO and IHO-Singapore Lab
20 Oct 2022
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM16-1.2.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
23 Oct 2022
5.4 5. Work Programme management
Document title: ARM16-5.4.1 Revised R1001 Ed2.0 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System June 2022 rev1
Originator: Secretariat
23 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.4.7 DRAFT Liaison note to ARM on Maritime Services (ENG16-12.3.7)
Originator: ENG16
24 Oct 2022
8.4 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16- draft Maritime Service 17 AtoN v.0.2 (ENG16-
Originator: ENG16
24 Oct 2022
8.7 8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM16-8.7.2 DRAFT Liaison note to ARM on cyber security (documents embedded) (ENG16-12.3.8)
Originator: ENG16
24 Oct 2022
6.1 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.1.1 Input Paper List
Originator: Secretariat
24 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16-6.2.6 DRAFT LN to ARM on Navigational Requirements and Considerations for Establishment of Buoyage (ENG16-12.2.3)
Originator: ENG16
24 Oct 2022
6.2 6. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM16- WP IALA_Guideline on buoy characteristics (ENG16-12.2.4)
Originator: ENG16
24 Oct 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.6 Draft LN to IHO NIPWG on S-125
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.9 Proposal for a 2nd S100 S200 PS Development Workshop Sep 2024
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.10 Draft document on transformation of national AtoN data to S-201
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.11 Draft Guideline G1159 Ed 2.0 Guideline on Ship Reporting from a Shore-based Perspective
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.4 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.4.1 Revised Guideline G1138 The Use of SIRA
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.4 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.4.2 IMO SN Circular on the IALA Toolbox
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.4 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16- IRMAS_OPRA_blank_form
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.4 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.4.4 WG3 Dictionary amendments
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.1 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.1.1 Draft ARM Task Plan 2023 - 2027
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.2.1 Draft Guideline Gxxxxx Marking of Bridges Clean
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.2.2 Draft Guideline on AtoN Training and Awareness for Mariners_20221102 clean
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.2.3 Draft LN to ENG on Navigational Requirements and Considerations for Establishment of Buoyage
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.2.4 Draft LN to ENG on dictionary updates
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.2.5 Draft LN to PAP on the way forward with AIS documentation updated
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.2 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16- Draft Annex IALA AIS related documents
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.1 Draft Guideline G1105
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.2 Recommendation Rxxxx Cyber Security
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.3 Liaison note from ARM to PAP Cyber Security
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.4 LN from ARM to all committees on the progress of cyber security tasks
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16- Draft Guideline on Cyber Security - post ARM16
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
11.3 11. Summary of output and working papers
Document title: ARM16-11.3.5 Maritime Service 17 v.1.1 (2)
Originator: ARM16
09 Dec 2022
12.1 12. Review of session report
Document title: ARM16-12.1 Report of ARM16
Originator: Secretariat
04 May 2023
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