Agenda No.
1. - Opening
Document title: ENG6-1.1 Draft Agenda 20170322
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1. - Opening
Document title: ENG6-1.1 Draft Agenda 20170307
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1. - Opening
Document title: ENG6-1.5 Programme for week 20170109
Originator: IALA Secretariat
2. - Review of action items from ENG5
Document title: ENG6-2.1 Action items from ENG5
Originator: ENG5
3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENG6-3.1 Input paper Committee template February 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.1 Report of the 63rd session of the IALA Council
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.2 (PAP32-17.1) Report PAP32
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.3 IALA Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power for the Next Generation Report final
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.1 Draft IALA Standards
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.2 (C63- IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.3 (C63- IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.4 (C63- IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.5 (C63- IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.6 (C63- IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.7 (C63- IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.4.8 (C63- IALA Standard 1070 Information Services draft
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.5 Report IALA Workshop on AIS AtoN developments - Seoul - 19_21 Oct 2016
Originator: IALA Workshop on AIS AtoN developments, Seoul
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.6 Report e-Navigation Underway International 2017 final
Originator: e-Navigation Underway International 2017
4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG6-4.7 (PAP33-12.1) Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG6-5.6 Developments in remote control and monitoring
Originator: Peter Schnieder
5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG6-5.6.1 Remote monitoring 170309 where the watt went
Originator: Peter Schneider
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.1 WWA ENG Committee brief
Originator: IALA Secretariat
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.2 Presentation PRE-5418 Slipstream Engineering Design Advances in RACON [P030-0]V1.00
Originator: Philip Wilson
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.3 Presentation Mini VTS system in Portugal
Originator: Manuel Santos
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.5 Presentation Invitation to the 19th IALA Conference 2018
Originator: Yong Chan Bae
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.6 Presentation IALA 19th Conference World Lighthouse Heritage Exhibition
Originator: Yong Chan Bae
6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG6-6.7 IALA 19th Conference Incheon Declaration
Originator: Jong Hun Kim
7. - Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ENG6-7.1 (ENG5-11.2.1) ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 Updated at ENG5
Originator: ENG5
7. - Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ENG6-7.2 (ENG5-11.2.2) Update Work Plan Task Register at ENG5
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.1 (ENG4-11.2.22) Draft Recommandation on Marine Signal Lights Colours
Originator: ENG4
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.2 (ENG4-11.2.23) Draft Recommendation on Luminous Range
Originator: ENG4
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.3 (ENG4-11.2.24) Frame for Draft Guideline on Marine Signal Lights
Originator: ENG4
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.4 (ENG5-11.1.21) Draft Recommendation E-106. Retroreflecting materials post plenary
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.5 (ENG5-9.15) Update E111 for Port Traffic Signals South Africa JamesC
Originator: IALA Secretariat
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.6 (ENG5-11.2.14) Guideline 1043 Ed.1.2 Light Sources used in Visual AtoN December 2011 rev1
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.7 (ENG5-11.2.15) IALA Guideline 1065 Ed.2 Vertical Divergence December 2013 rev3
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.8 (ARM5-12.1.5) Liaison to ENAV-VTS-ENG on Mobile AtoN
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.8.1 (ARM5-12.2.7) WG1 IALA Recommendation MAtoN ARM 5_v2
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.8.2 (ARM5-12.2.8) WG1 IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM 5 v2
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.9 (ARM5-12.1.8) Liaison to all committees - reminder on the NAVGUIDE
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.10 (ARM5-12.2.9) WG2 Navguide 2015 tracking table
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.11 (ARM5-12.1.13) Liaison Note to ENG on updates to Draft Recommendation E-106. Retroreflecting materials
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.11.1 (ARM5-12.1.14) Draft Recommendation E-106 Retroreflecting materials post plenary
Originator: ARM5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.12 Draft Recommendation Marine Signal Lights Colours 20170303
Originator: Frank Hermann
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.13 Draft Recommendation Marine Signal Lights Luminous Range 20170303
Originator: Frank Hermann
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.14 Draft Guideline On Intensity Calculations 20170302
Originator: Frank Hermann
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.15 Cover Note Input paper for Draft IALA Guideline on Application of Retroreflective Material on AtoN
Originator: Jørgen Royal Petersen
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.16 Draft IALA Guideline on Application of Retroreflecting Materials on AtoN 20170309 JRP
Originator: Jørgen Royal Petersen
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.17 Questionnaire on use of Retroreflective Material for AtoN 20170209
Originator: Jørgen Royal Petersen
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.18 Report on Current State of Synchronisation of Lights in Korea ver2
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.19 Quality Certification according to enactment of the Korean Industrial Standards for Lanterns ver2
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.20 IALA Guideline 1023 Ed.1.1 Design of Leading Lines
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.21 Comparison of calculation methods for daymark sizes
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.22 IALA Leading line calculator Ver 2.02
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.23 IALA NAVGUIDE Updates and Proposals
Originator: Alwyn Williams
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.23.1 Navguide_ Chapter 3 - Aids to navigation
Originator: Alwyn Williams
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.24 (SLP1-15.1) Draft Guideline 1043 Ed.1.2 Light Sources used in Visual AtoN December 2011 rev1 Koblenz
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.25 (SLP1-15.2) Draft IALA Guideline 1049 Ed.2 Modern Light Sources in Traditional Optics December 2007 rev1 Koblenz
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.26 (SLP1-15.3) Draft IALA Guideline 1073 Ed.1 Conspicuity of AtoN Lights at Night June 2011 rev2 Koblenz
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.27 (ENG5-9.17) E-200-3 - IALA Recommendation E200-3 Proposal
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.28 (ENG5-9.18.1) E-200-4 - Effective Intensity Cover Note
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.29 (ENG5-9.18.2) E-200-4 - Recommendation E-200-4 draft
Originator: ENG5
9. - WG 1 - Visual & Physical AtoN
Document title: ENG6-9.30 (ENG5-9.18.3) E-200-4 - IALA Guideline xxxx - Determination and Calculation of Effective Intensity draft
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.1 (ENG5-10.2) IALA Guideline 1066 Ed.1.1 The Design of Floating Aid to Navigation Moorings Jun2010 rev3
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.2 (ENG5-10) IALA Guideline 1098 Ed.1 on the Application of AIS AtoN on Buoys May 2013 rev4
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.3 (ENG5-11.2.16) WG2 Sub Working Group Buoys and Moorings - Report(1)
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.4 (ENG5-11.2.9) 20161013 guideline 1006 new template Plastic buoys
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.5 (ENG5-11.2.7) Draft Guideline 1036 Ed.2 on Environmental Management
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.6 (ENG5-11.2.8) Draft Guideline on Providing Aton Services In Extremely Hot And Humid Climates 13 Oct.16
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.7 (ENG5-11.2.3) Draft IALA Guideline Ed.1 on Commissioning reformatted - 13-10-16 post plenary
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.8 (ENG5-11.2.5) Draft Guideline 1092 Ed2 Safety Management for AtoN Activities Date
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.9 (ENG5-11.2.4) Draft IALA Guideline Ed.1 Maintenance of AtoN Structures reformatted
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.10 (ENG5-11.2.6) WG2 Draft Guideline on Use of Modern AtoN Equipment in Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.11 (ENG5-11.2.10) Navguide Update Plan updated at ENG5
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.12 (ENG5-11.2.11) Strategy for ENG WG2 Task Group 4 (formerly Heritage Forum)
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.13 (ENG5-11.2.12) IALA Guideline 1067-3 Ed.1 Electrical Energy Storage for AtoN May2008 rev5
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.14 (ENG5-11.2.18) Draft IALA Guideline 1067-0 Ed1.1 on Selection of Power Systems for AtoN and Associated Equipment Jun2011 rev3 - 12-10-16
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.15 (ENG5-10.1.3) IALA Guideline 1067-1 Ed.1 Total Electrical Loads of Aids to Navigation_May2009 rev3 - 16-03-17 rev f
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.16 (ENG5-11.2.20) Draft IALA Guideline 1067-2 Ed.1 Power Sources May2009 rev2
Originator: ENG5
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.17 Transition to wave power generators in Japan
Originator: Yoku Santo
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.18 Measurements of Temperature vs. different surface colours on battery box
Originator: Mariano Luis Marpegan
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.19 WWA Model Courses for review at ENG6
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.20 IALA Model Course L2 Module 1.1 An introduction to Shore Marks Ed.1 May 2013 rev2
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.21 IALA Model Course L2 Module 5.1&2 Ed.1 Surface preparation before coating May 2013
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.22 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.4 on Wind Generators Ed.1 December 2013
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.23 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.5&6 Mains AC power systems petrol and diesel generators Ed.1 December 2013
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.24 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.7 Ed.1 Lightning Protection December 2013
Originator: WWA
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.25 IALA Model Course E-141-1 Level 1 AtoN Manager Training Ed.1 December 2015 rev7
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.26 IALA Model Course L1 Module 5 Historic Lighthouse Projects Ed.1 December 2014 rev2
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.27 IALA Model Course L2 Module 0 Overview Ed.3 June 2016 rev1
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.28 IALA Model Course L2 Module 1.3&4 Introduction to AtoN Buoyage Ed.2 June 2016 rev5
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.29 IALA Model Course L2 Module 8.1 AIS AtoN Operations Ed.1 May 2013 rev2
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.30 IALA Model Course L2 Module 10.1&2 Remote monitoring of AtoN Ed.1 December 2013 rev2
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.31 IALA Model Course V-103-1 Ed.2 December 2009 Draft 11Jan17 rev1
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.32 Draft IALA Recommendation on Conserving the Built Heritage of Lighthouses and other Aids to Navigation
Originator: Mike Hadley
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.33 Proposal work item IALA guideline and manual on operationand management for AtoN Simulator
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.33 Proposal work item IALA Guideline and manual on operation and management for AtoN Simulator-ver2
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.34 Sea Test Results of plastic buoys trial-3
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.34 Sea Test Results of plastic buoys trial-3 Ver2
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.35 Discussion on buoys on-site tests procedure
Originator: Marine Saccoman
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.36 (ENAV20-4.9) MTCAS- An e-Navigation Assistance System for Cooperative Collision Avoidance at Sea
Originator: ENAV20
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.37 (ENAV20-14.1.20) Liaison to ENG-ANM-VTS On Use of Racons in Busy Harbours
Originator: ENAV20
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.37.1 (ENAV20-13.11) On Racons in Busy Harbours 24 February 2017
Originator: ENAV20
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.38 (ENAV20-14.1.27) liaison to ENG on VHF performance in harsh environments plenary
Originator: ENAV20
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.39 The 19th IALA Conference World Lighthouse Heritage Exhibition
Originator: Bae Yong Chan
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.40 Incheon Declaration Purpose, Key Content and Action Plans
Originator: Bae Yong Chan
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.41 (SLP1-15.4) Draft IALA Guideline 1067-3 Ed.1 Electrical Energy Storage for AtoN 23-3-17 rev e Koblenz
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.42 (SLP1-15.5) Draft IALA Guideline 1067-2 Ed.1 Power Sources 23-3-17 rev b
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.43 (SLP1-15.6) IALA Guideline 1039 Ed.2 Designing Solar Power Systems for Aids to Navigation March 2017
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
10. - WG 2 - Knowledge & Sustainability
Document title: ENG6-10.44 (SLP1-15.7) IALA PV solar calculator 2017 03 23
Originator: Workshop on Sustainable Light & Power
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.1 (ENG6-10.5) Draft Guideline 1036 Ed.2 on Environmental Management
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.2 IALA Model Course L2 Module 1.1 An introduction to Shore Marks Ed.1 May 2013 rev2
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.3 IALA Model Course L2 Module 5.1&2 Ed.1 Surface preparation before coating May 2013 post plenary
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.4 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.4 on Wind Generators Ed.1 December 2013
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.5 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.5&6 Mains AC power systems petrol and diesel generators Ed.1 December 2013
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.6 IALA Model Course L2 Module 2.7 Ed.1 Lightning Protection December 2013
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.7 IALA Model Course L2 Module 10 12 Remote monitoring of AtoN Ed 1 December 2013 rev2 SM
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.8 IALA Model Course L2 Module 8 1 AIS AtoN Operations Ed 1 May 2013 rev2 SM
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.9 IALA Model Course L2 Module 1 34 Introduction to AtoN Buoyage Ed 2 June 2016 rev5 SM
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.10 IALA Model Course L2 Module 0 Overview Ed 3 June 2016 rev1 SM
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.11 IALA Model Course E-141-1 Level 1 AtoN Manager Training Ed 1 December 2015 rev7 SM
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.12 IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.13 IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.14 IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.15 IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.16 IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.17 IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies draft
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.18 IALA Standard 1070 Information Services draft
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.19 Draft IALA Recommendation on Environmental Responsibility
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.20 Liaison Note to ARM re NAVGUIDE revision post plenary
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6- (ARM5-12.2.9) WG2 Navguide 2015 tracking table - updated ENG6
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.21 Draft IALA Recommendation on Conserving the Built Heritage of Lighthouses and other Aids to Navigation
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.22 Draft Recommendation E-106 Retroreflecting Materials
Originator: WG1
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.23 Liaison note to ARM Committee on Mobile AtoN post plenary
Originator: WG1
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.1.24 The 19th IALA Conference Incheon Declaration Purpose, Content and Ac_v170329_second draft
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.1 (ENG6-10.8) Draft Guideline 1092 Ed2 Safety Management for AtoN Activities March 17
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.2 Draft Guideline on Use of Modern Equipment on Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.3 - WG2 Sub Working Group Buoys and Moorings - Report
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.4 170330 Draft Guideline 1006 on Plastic Buoys
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.5 - Draft Guideline on Providing Aton Services In Extremely Hot And Humid Climates 29 March 2017
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.6 Draft IALA Guideline Ed.1 Maintenance of AtoN Structures ENG6
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.7 IALA Guideline 1067-3 Ed.1 Electrical Energy Storage for AtoN 30-3-17 rev b
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.8 Draft IALA Guideline 1067-2 Ed.1 Power Sources 30-3-17 rev d
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.9 Draft IALA Guideline 1067-0 Ed1.1 on Selection of Power Systems for AtoN and Associated Equipment Jun2011 rev3 - 28-03-17
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.10 IALA Guideline 1067-1 Ed.1 Total Electrical Loads of Aids to Navigation_May2009 rev3 - 16-03-17 rev f
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.11 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 - Updated at ENG6
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.12 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 Task Register - Updated at ENG6
Originator: Vice Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.13 Draft IALA Guideline Ed.1 on Commissioning reformatted - ENG6
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.14 IALA Guideline 1039 Ed.2 Designing Solar Power Systems for Aids to Navigation March 2017 rev2
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.15 - IALA Solar Tool
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.16 Suggested content for the IALA Solar Sizing webpage
Originator: WG2
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.17 Draft Recommendation Marine Signal Lights Colours
Originator: WG1
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.18 Draft Recommendation Marine Signal Lights Luminous Range
Originator: WG1
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.19 Draft Recommendation E-200-4
Originator: WG1
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.20 ENG workplan ideas for 2018-2022 post plenary
Originator: Chair
11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG6-11.2.21 Draft Guideline On Intensity Calculations 20170330
Originator: WG1
13. - Review of session report
Document title: ENG6-13.1 Report 6th Session IALA ENG Committee - ENG6 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat