After a successful 1st General Assembly of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation held from 18 to 20 February 2025 in Singapore, the Headquarters agreement for the Organization was signed on 4 March 2025 at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France.
Singapore is hosting the 1st General Assembly of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA) from 18 to 21 February 2025. This is IALA’s inaugural General Assembly since becoming an intergovernmental organization (IGO) on 22 August 2024, following the entry into force of the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation[1].
Singapore’s Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security, Mr Teo Chee Hean, delivered the keynote address at the opening ceremony. In his address, Mr Teo highlighted the importance of international co-operation in enhancing navigational safety, and reaffirmed IALA’s role and Singapore’s support of IALA’s mission to foster the safe and efficient movement of vessels for the benefit of the maritime community and the protection of the marine environment.
Established in 1957, IALA’s transition from a non-governmental organisation to an IGO reflects its growing importance in shaping international standards and best practices for safe and efficient navigation. Its status as an IGO strengthens IALA’s mandate to harmonise global maritime navigation systems, promote maritime safety initiatives, and collaborate with its member states, international organizations, and industry stakeholders to address emerging challenges in maritime safety and environmental protection.
Bringing together about 400 delegates and attendees from 65 countries, comprising senior government officials and maritime leaders from industry associations and companies, the General Assembly provides a platform to discuss developments in Aids to Navigation, vessel traffic services, emerging technologies, and governance in emerging areas such as the use of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. Delegates will also review progress in capacity-building efforts and technical cooperation to support the implementation of modern Aids to Navigation solutions, particularly in developing maritime nations. The General Assembly will also be electing the IALA Council for the next term and will set strategic priorities for the organization’s work in the coming years.
IALA Secretary-General, Mr Francis Zachariae, who delivered remarks at the Opening Ceremony, said: “I am deeply grateful to Singapore for elevating this first General Assembly to such a prestigious level. The transition to an intergovernmental organization will enable IALA to collaborate more effectively with governments and other intergovernmental organizations. Most importantly, it will strengthen IALA’s role as the leading international technical authority in its field, significantly enhancing global recognition of its work and the standards it seeks to establish. This, in turn, will promote greater harmonisation of Marine Aids to Navigation and related services worldwide. The continued strong participation of our industrial members will ensure that the vital connection between aids to navigation authorities and service providers remains intact, preserving the high quality and integrity of our work.”
As part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IALA World-Wide Academy (IALA WWA) and MPA, a joint seminar on VHF Data Exchange System was organised by MPA, IALA WWA, and the Japan Coast Guard. The MoU, renewed for the period from 2024 to 2027, underscores Singapore’s continued commitment to support capacity-building initiatives that enhance global maritime safety. The IALA WWA also held a seminar on the safety of navigation, focusing on key advancements in digitalisation and maritime connectivity.
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About the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation (IALA)
Founded in 1957, IALA brings together Marine Aids to Navigation authorities, manufacturers, consultants, and scientific and training organizations from around the world. Its mission is to harmonize Marine Aids to Navigation worldwide and ensure that the movement of vessels is safe expeditious and cost-effective while protecting the marine environment.
About the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
MPA was established on 2 February 1996 with the mission to develop Singapore as a premier global hub port and international maritime centre, and to advance and safeguard Singapore’s strategic maritime interests. MPA is the driving force behind Singapore’s maritime and port development, taking on the roles of maritime and port regulator and planner, international maritime centre champion, national maritime representative, and a champion of digitalisation and decarbonisation efforts at regional and international fora such as at the International Maritime Organization and the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation. MPA partners industry, research community and other agencies to enhance safety, security, and environmental protection, facilitate maritime and port operations and growth, expand multi-domain capabilities, and support the cluster of maritime ancillary services and manpower development. MPA is responsible for the overall development and growth of the maritime multi-domain and the Port of Singapore.
Communication Officer, International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Alif Sutrisno Kasmuri
Corporate Communications, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
[1] In May 2014, the IALA General Assembly adopted a resolution to transit from a non-governmental organisation (NGO) to an inter-governmental organisation (IGO). The Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation (“Convention”) was finalised in February 2020 and was open for signature to all member States of the United Nations from November 2020. Having met the minimum requirement of 30 ratifications, the former International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities officially changed its status from a NGO to an IGO on 22 August 2020 (i.e. 90 days after the date of deposit of the 30th instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession). Following the change in status, the organisation has been renamed the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation.
Check out our latest Academy News video covering a successful technical mission in Guinea-Bissau, featuring collaboration between IHO and IALA, with valuable support from IFAN.
Watch to see how we’re working together to strengthen maritime infrastructure and safety!
We are pleased to announce that Mr Vincent Denamur will be the new Dean of the World-Wide Academy starting 4 November 2024! We look forward to this new addition to the team! A warm welcome to Mr Denamur.
His Excellency Ambassador Moses KOUNI MOSE, Solomon Islands, expressed the privilege of Solomon Islands ratifying the Convention, engaging in the membership of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation. He also stressed that the country was made up of hundreds of small Islands surrounded by an immense ocean space, therefore emphasizing the importance to ensure the safety of international shipping for trade and to support domestic shipping, security and travel.
Ms. Agnes Gaote’e, Deputy Director, Solomon Islands Maritime Authority gave a short brief on Solomon Maritime Authority (SIMA) as a Governmental entity. She thanked IALA and the World-Wide Academy for their support and emphasized the importance of their participation to VTS56 and especially the Working Group 3 on Training, which was relevant to help SIMA reach some of their needs and objectives to comply with IALA Standards.
His Excellency Mr. Moses KOUNI MOSE, Solomon Islands and M. Francis Zachariae, IALA Secretary-General.
His Excellency Ambassador SHIMOKAWA Makita congratulated the Secretary-General for the achievement of the IGO. He reiterated the close ties of cooperation that exist between Japan and IALA, and the assurance of their continued support to the Organization. Amongst the topics discussed, we could find the transition period of the IGO, the challenge of AtoN harmonization, the development of unmanned ships and the future of physical AtoN.
His Excellency Mr. SHIMOKAWA Makita, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to France, to Principality of Andorra and to Principality of Monaco; Mr. Francis Zachariae, IALA Secretary-General.
The Gambia Maritime Authority is a member of IALA since 2022. They also attended the Diplomatic Conference in Kuala Lumpur 2020 and signed the Final Act. The Gambia delegation met with the Secretary-General to discuss the legal aspects, and the progress made in the ratification process. It was expected that the process could be achieved before the General assembly in Singapore. The delegation was also attending the VTS56, the DTEC3 and the ARM19 Committee meetings.
Mr. Karamo Bakary JANNEH, Deputy Director, Ms. Olimatou DANSO, Director of Legal Affairs, Mr. Francis Zachariae, IALA Secretary-General, Mr. Abas Saidykhan, Director of Shipping and Maritime Services.
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, August 2024 – After more than ten years of work and four diplomatic conferences, The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) is proud to announce that, effective August 22, 2024, we will officially change our status from a non-governmental organization (NGO) to an Intergovernmental Organization (IGO). Based on a Convention ratified or acceded to by 34 States to date, the new status represents a significant victory for multilateralism and ocean governance, marking an important step toward enhancing worldwide safety of navigation, efficiency and protection of the marine environment.
The transition to an Intergovernmental Organization will place IALA in a much stronger position to develop and harmonize Marine Aids to Navigation, as governments will be directly involved in our work. All major decisions will be made by representatives of their governments, who hold credentials from their Head of State, Prime Minister or Minister of Foreign Affairs.
For over six decades, IALA has played a pivotal role in providing standards, recommendations and guidelines for the implementation of significant developments within the maritime sector. The organization’s focus on harmonization has never been more crucial, especially to achieve an ambitious digital agenda for the maritime sector.
Key benefits of the status change:
Enhanced International Cooperation: The new status will facilitate more robust and formalized cooperation with international maritime organizations, governments, and other stakeholders, fostering a unified approach to global maritime navigation safety.
Strengthened Harmonized Framework: As an IGO, IALA will have increased authority to develop and implement standards, recommendations and guideline ensuring that Marine Aids to Navigation including Vessel Traffic Services are consistent and effective across all member states.
Improved Resource Allocation: The change will enable better resource allocation and funding opportunities, enhancing the development and maintenance of aids to navigation.
Greater Global Influence: IALA’s new status will amplify its voice and influence in international maritime policy discussions, allowing it to advocate more effectively for the interests of maritime safety and environmental protection.
Quotes from leadership:
Francis Zachariae, Secretary-General of IALA: “The transition to an Intergovernmental Organization marks a new chapter in IALA’s history. This change will enable us to work even more closely with our members and partners to ensure safe, harmonized and more efficient marine navigation worldwide. I also want to emphasize that in times of conflict and war, the creation of an international organization like IALA, which brings together people from around the world in a spirit of cooperation and compromise, underscores the importance of understanding and mutual respect.”
Eric Banel, director-general for maritime affairs, fisheries and aquaculture (ministry for the sea), France: “France will now host a new Intergovernmental Organization on its territory. The new IALA will be the third global maritime organization (and the only one in France), alongside the International Maritime Organization and the International Hydrographic Organization. It is undoubtedly a great source of pride for my country as the creation of this new maritime organization represents a significant step for multilateralism and ocean governance.”
About IALA:
Founded in 1957, IALA brings together Marine Aids to Navigation authorities, manufacturers, consultants, and scientific and training organizations from around the world. Its mission is to harmonize Marine Aids to Navigation worldwide and ensure that the movement of vessels is safe expeditious and cost-effective while protecting the marine environment.
High-resolution images and additional background information on IALA’s transition to an IGO are available upon request. Interviews with key IALA officials can be arranged through the media contact above.
The 80th session of the Council meeting was held from 24 to 28 June 2024 in the Sheraton Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul, Türkiye and by video conference.
The president opened the meeting by thanking Türkiye for their wonderful hospitality. The Council was honoured by the intervention of Mr. Durmuş Ünüvar, Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Türkiye who gave a presentation for the opening. After the Secretary-General’s report and National Matters, the councillors were given a detailed overview of the transition period ahead. As the Convention would enter into force on 22 August 2024, the responsibilities of the future Transition Council were laid out so that councillors could prepare for the upcoming tasks. As part of the transition preparations, the Council approved the resolution as contained in paper C80- with a proposed change and suggested to convene the first meeting of the Transition Council online on 22 August 2024 and the second meeting at the IALA HQ on 18-19 September 2024.
The Council noted the 2023 Audited Financial Statements, approved the proposed appropriation of the 2023 result and approved the reappointment of RSM France as Statutory Auditors.
The Council approved the revised budget for 2024.
The Council approved the membership contributions rates for 2025 as follows:
– National members: €19,680
– Industrial members: €6,730
– Associate members: €3,250
The Council decided to appoint Thomas Arculus from Trinity House, UK as Vice Chair of the LAP.
The Council approved the revised Committee work programme for 2023-2027.
The Council approved the following documents:
Revised R1019 on provision of Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation in the domain of IALA, Ed2.0.
New G1182 on Cyber Security specifics from an IALA perspective, Ed1.0.
Revised G1141 Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS, Ed3.0.
Revised G1177 Portrayal of VTS information, Ed2.0.
Revised Model Course C0103-4 VTS On-the-Job Training Instructor, Ed3.0.
New G1183 on Provision of MCP identities, Ed1.0.
Revised R1007 The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for Shore Infrastructure, Ed2.0.
Revised G1128 Specification of e-Navigation Technical Services, Ed1.5.
The Council approved the proposed protocol for Product Specifications and Technical Service versioning and approval and the proposal of a Workshop on Future Radionavigation and Radiocommunication systems.
The Council decided to appoint Ms Catherine Mulvihill as a new board member of the IALA World-Wide Academy.
The Council noted the report on the WWA Board and agreed that the seconded officer in Singapore could be referred to as the IALA World-Wide Academy office in Singapore, for the duration of the MoU.
The Council noted the update on the IALA Disaster Recovery Fund and Councillors agreed to consider ways of facilitating sponsorships for the urgent needs of the SHSU.
The Council approved the following liaison notes:
S-100 operational interaction diagram to IHO NIPWG.
Technical Service Specification to IHO NIPWG.
Update of RTCM 10402.3 Standard to RTCM.
Proposed change to IEC 63173-1 to IEC TC80 WG17.
Request to use elements of IEC 63173-2 in IALA document to IEC.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to IMO ITU EG.
Update of IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to 3GPP TSGs.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to ITU-R SG5.
Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products, United Arab Emirates
Aselsan A.S, Türkiye
Shenzhen Green Source Light Equipment Co. Ltd, People’s Republic of China (late submission)
The Council approved Associate membership for:
DSA Ocean, Canada
Colegio Oficial Nacional de Prácticos de Puerto de España, Spain
The Council approved Honorary membership for:
Mr. André Châteauvert, Manager of Land-Based Electronics, E&I, Integrated Technical in the Canadian Coast Guard Staff.
Mr. William (Bill) Cairns, formerly of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and the American Pilots Association (APA).
The Council noted the resignations from:
OMC International Pty Ltd, Australia
Alsic BVBA, Belgium
Combustion and Energy, Italy
The Canadian Pilot’s Association, Canada
Seahow by Arctia, Finland
The Council noted the following changes:
Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy, in the Dominican Republic is transferred from the Associate category to National category.
The membership from the Ministry of Communication, Maritime Transport Department,inKuwait is transferred to the Coast Guard in the Ministry of Interior.
HIS Markit, in the United States of America is renamed IHS Global Inc.
General Dynamics Mission Systems, in Italy is renamedPage Europa.
The Council decided to suspend industrial membership for:
Beijing Caton Global Technology Co. ltd, People’s Republic of China
Shanghai Space Earth Net Information, Technology Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China
Jiangsu Koropp Maritime Technology Co., Ltd, People’s Republic of China
Navmoor Limited, United Kingdom
Woori Haeyang Co. Ltd, Republic of Korea
Tridel Technologies Private Ltd., India
BC Cuerpo Construction Corporation, Philippines
Tecotrex Welding Marine, Qatar
Safe Sea Services FZCO, The United Arab Emirates
The Council decided to suspend Associate membership for:
Port Autonome de San Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire
STC B.V, the Netherlands
TWL Logistics Ltd., Papua New Guinea
Rosmorport, Russia
The Council noted the update on suspended membership from:
Office National de Signalisation Maritime, Algeria
Direction Générale de la Marine Marchande, Rep of Congo
We are recruiting a new Dean for the World-Wide Academy. If you would like more details on the job offer, please e-mail us. The deadline to receive applications is set at 1 September 2024.
The Convention will enter into force on 22 August 2024. The intergovernmental Organization will be created and the transition period will begin.
The first 30 States to ratify, accept, approve, or accede to the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation are Singapore, Norway, Japan, Malaysia, India, Panama, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Republic of Korea, France, Denmark, Finland, Cuba, Slovenia, Ireland, Sweden, Albania, Tunisia, Mexico, Oman, Germany, China, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt.
A special page dedicated to the change of status is available here.
IALA HQ had the pleasure to host 2 important visits in February. On 20 February 2024 we received Trinity House’s former (Ian McNaught) and new (Iain Lower) Deputy Master for the handover and discussion of the future of both entities. Then on 22 February 2024 we received IFAN’s new CEO Catherine Mulvihill, and Development Manager Francesca Pradelli, to discuss the strengthening of the cooperation between the WWA and IFAN.
From left to right: Ian McNaught, Francis Zachariae, Iain LowerFrom left to right: Omar Eriksson, Francesca Pradelli, Catherine Mulvihill, Francis Zachariae.