About Us
Member Organisations
- Aatash Norcontrol Ltd
- Abu Dhabi Marine Operations and Services Company (ADNOC logistics & Services)
- Abu Dhabi Ports Company
- AbuDhabi Maritime Academy
- Adolpha Maritime Group
- Aeromarine Private Limited
- Agence de Navigation Maritime – Ministère des Transports – Guinée
- Agence Portuaire, Maritime et Fluviale
- Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services
- Airbus Defence and Space
- AIVeNautics Corp.
- ALBANIA-Albanian Hydrographic Service-Ministry of Defence
- Albatroz Apoio Maritímo Portuário Ltda
- all4land., LTD
- Almarin, Equipos y Servicios Portuarios
- American Consulting Group S.A.
- American Pilots’ Association Inc
- AMG Microwave
- Antwerp Maritime Academy
- APL – Administriao do Porto de Lisboa
- Aqua-Module
- Arbo Plasticos rotomoldados Ltda
- ArkEdge Space Inc.
- Armada de Chile, Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y Marina Mercante – DIRECTEMAR
- Aselsan A.S
- ATCO (Ports Management & Services)
- Aurora Control Inc.
- AUSTRALIA-Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- Australian Maritime Systems Group (AMSG)
- Autorité Portuaire Nationale – Cameroun
- B.C Cuerpo Construction Corporation
- Bermuda-Department of Marine and Ports, Services
- Brasal Marine Services CY Ltd
- BRAZIL-Marinha do Brasil-Diretoria de Hidrografia e Navegação-Centro de Auxílios Navegação Almirante Moraes Rego
- Briggs Marine Contractors
- BULGARIA-Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company
- Bundeslotsenkammer – Federal Chamber of Pilot Associations
- CANADA-Canadian Coast Guard
- Carrocerias Mariara C.A
- Cerema
- Chaohu Yinhuan Navigation Aids; Ltd
- Chengdu Dixin Technology Co., Ltd.
- China Head Aerospace Technology Co
- China Waterborne Research Institute
- CHINA-Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China(MOT)
- Chittagong Dry Dock Limited
- CML Microcircuits
- CNS Systems AB
- Colegio Oficial Nacional de Prácticos de Puerto de España
- Colegio Oficial Nacional de Prácticos de Puerto de España
- Comisión Administradora del Río de la Plata
- Companhia Docas Do Rio de Janeiro
- Compañía Internacional de Integración Ci2 S.A
- Consorcio de Gestion del Puerto de Bahia Blanca (CGPBB)
- Corilla Marine
- CROATIA-Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
- Crux Marine
- CSSC PRIDe (Nanjing)Atmospheric and oceanic Information System Co., Ltd.
- CUBA – Oficina Nacional Hidrografia y Geodesia
- CV. Semprong Sakti Utama
- Cyprus Turkish Coastal Safety and Salvage Limited Company
- Daehan Engineering Co., Ltd
- DAEKEE Marine Corporation
- Danphone A/S
- Defence Command Denmark Naval Staff
- Denbridge Marine Ltd
- DENMARK – Danish Emergency Management Agency under the Ministry of Resilience and Preparedness.
- Department of Navigation and Oceanography-Russia
- DHI Group
- Direcao Geral de Recursos Naurais – Seguranca e Servicios Maritimos
- Dirección de Hidrografía y Navegación – Marina de Guerra del Perú
- Direccion de Hidrografia y Navegacion – Venezuelan Navy
- Direccion General Maritima – Colombia
- Direction Générale des Infrastructures, de la Topographie et des Transports Terrestres – New Caledonia
- Directorate General of Coastal Safety-Türkiye
- Directorate General of Land and Maritime Transport-Ministry of Transport and Public Work-Lebanon
- Directorate of Navigation, Directorate General of Sea Transportations, Ministry of Transportation Indonesia
- Directorate of ports and maritime public domain
- Dirrecion de Hidrographia y Navegacion – Peru
- Dockyard and Engineering Works Limited
- Dongnan (Southeast) University
- DS Señales Marítimas Limitada
- DSA Ocean
- Ducksung Ocean Development Co., Ltd
- Dutch Pilots Corporation
- Ecocoast Manufacturing LLC
- EGYPT-Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety- Ministry of Transport
- Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute-ETRI
- ELMAN S.r.l.
- Emepa S.A.
- EMSA – European Maritime Safety Agency
- EPE Sociedad de Salvamento y Seguridad Maritima
- Equans
- ESA – European Space Agency
- ESSI Corporation
- Estonian Transport Administration
- European Space Agency
- European Union Agency for Space Programme (EUSPA)
- Faroe Islands-Faroese Maritime Authority
- Finland-Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
- Fintraffic Vessel Traffic Services Ltd
- Floatex s r l
- FORCE Technology
- FRANCE-Direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l’aquaculture – Secrétariat d’état chargé de la Mer
- Fremantle Ports
- Frequentis AG
- Full Oceans
- Furuno Electric Co Ltd
- Furuno Finland Oy
- Gambia Maritime Administration
- GC Co. Ltd
- GEM Elettronica s r l
- General Company for Ports of Iraq
- German Aerospace Centre – Institute of Communications and Navigation
- Germany-Federal Waterways and Shipping Agency
- Ghana Maritime Authority
- GMT Cybernetics Co Ltd
- GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U
- Go Deep Aids to Navigation
- Greenfinder SDN BHD
- Grupo Acquaplan
- GS Marine Valve & Ship Supply
- Hellenic Navy – Lighthouse Service
- Hensoldt Uk (Formerly Kelvin Hughes Limited)
- Hi-Tech Elastomers Ltd
- Hidrovia S.A.
- Hong Kong, China-Marine Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- Horizonte AS
- Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy
- IBK-Fibertec GmbH
- Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration
- ICS – International Chamber of Shipping
- ICS Technologies S.R.L
- IHI Corporation
- IHS Global Inc.
- IMIS Global Ltd
- in-innovative navigation GmbH
- Inca Philippines Inc
- India Navigations Aids
- INDIA-Directorate General of Lighthouses and Lightships
- Indra Sistemas SA
- Inspectorate of Civil Navigation
- Instituto de Transporte Maritimo, IP – ITRANSMAR, IP
- Instituto Hidrografico
- Instituto Hidrografico e de Sinalizacao de Angola
- Instituto Marítimo Portuário
- Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada
- Integral Project IT, S. de R.L. de C.V.
- Inversiones Expometal II C.A
- IRELAND-Department for Transport
- Italian Maritime Academy Technologies S.r.l -IMAT
- Italian Navy – Direzione Fari e Segnalamenti
- ITO Navaids
- ITU – International Telecommunications Union
- JANA (Japan Aids to Navigation Association)
- Japan Radio Co., Ltd.
- Japan Ship Technology Research Association (JSTRA)
- JAPAN-Japan Coast Guard
- Jarzoe Builders Inc.
- JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd
- Jimei University
- Johor Port Authority
- Jotron AS
- Julius Marine GmbH
- KASI (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
- Kenya Ports Authority
- Koç Bilgi ve Savunma Teknolojileri A.Ş.
- KOMSA – Korea Maritime Transportation Safety Authority
- Kongsberg Discovery AS-Seatex
- Kongsberg Norcontrol AS
- Kordia Pty Ltd
- KOREA (Rep of)-Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
- Korea Electronics Technology Institute
- Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation(KATON)
- Korea Maritime Cooperation Center
- Korean Maritime Institute
- Korean Register of Shipping
- KRISO – Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering
- La Maquinista Valenciana Balizamientos, Señalización Náutica y Energías Renovables
- Leonardo S.p.A.
- Liaocheng Huazhong New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
- Liberia Maritime Authority
- Libyan Ports & Maritime Transport Authority
- M-NAV Solutions Inc.
- MALAYSIA-Ministry of Transport Malaysia
- Malsa Equipos Industriales S.A de CV
- Marine Exchange of San Francisco Bay Region
- Marine Navaids and Solar Auto Private Ltd
- Marine Services Co.; Ltd
- Marine Services Co.; Ltd
- MarineLabs Data Systems Inc
- MarineWorks Co., Ltd
- MarinTel LLC
- Maritime Administration of Latvia
- Maritime Authority of Suriname
- Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS)
- Maritime New Zealand
- Maritime Office in Gdynia – Poland
- Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji.
- Maritime Safety Queensland
- Martek
- MaxSea Naval SL
- MaxSea Naval SL-Timezero
- Mediterraneo Señales Maritimas S.L.
- MEXICO-Unidad de Capitanías de Puerto y Asuntos Marítimos
- Middle East Navigation Aids Services – MENAS
- Ministère des Transports, de l’Aviation Civile et de la Marine Marchande
- Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti-Italian Coast Guard
- Ministry of Interior – Kuwait-
- Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- Ministry of Transport and civil Aviation
- Mokpo National Maritime University
- MSL Technology
- MSZ Offshore and Underwater Services LLP
- Nash Maritime Ltd
- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- National Institute of Telecommunications
- National Maritime Safety Authority – Papua New Guinea
- National Polyethylene Company-NPC Marine
- National Technology Center for Ports Waterways and Coasts -NTCPWC
- Nautical Institute
- Navielektro
- Navmoor Limited
- Navtec S.A.
- Navtor
- NCS Pte. Ltd
- NEC Corporation
- New Marine Engineering Co
- Nigerian Ports Authority
- Ningbo Botai Plastics Technology Co., Ltd
- Nippon Koki Kogyo Co Ltd
- NNVO – Dutch VTS Training Foundation
- North West Marine Equipment Trading LLC
- NORWAY-Norwegian Coastal Administration
- Observers organizations
- Ocean King Marine Services LTD
- Oceans Works Pacific Limited
- Orga BV
- Orion Maritime Systems Pte Ltd
- Oynetec Pty Ltd
- Pacific Community – SPC
- Page Europa
- PANAMA-Panama Maritime Authority
- Pharos Marine – Automatic Power
- Philippine Coast Guard Headquarters
- Plovput d.o.o. – Production, Design, Maintenance and Development
- Plovput Split-Croatia
- PMS Polietilen Mamulleri San Tic. A.S
- Port Authority of Amsterdam
- Port Authority of Jamaica
- Port Authority of Kribi
- Port Authority of Thailand
- Port Autonome d’Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire
- Port Autonome de Dakar
- Port Autonome de Douala
- Port Autonome de Pointe-Noire
- Port Autonome de San Pedro
- Port Control Ltd
- Port of Antwerp – Bruges
- Port of Rotterdam Authority
- Porto do Açu Operações SA
- Ports and Maritime Organisation – Iran
- Ports Victoria
- Ports& Yachting Directorate – Transport Malta
- Portugal – Direção de Faróis (Lighthouse Directorate)
- Prefectura Naval Argentina
- PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero)
- PT Geotindo Mitra Kencana
- PT Jaya Admiral Indonesia
- PT Kemenangan
- PT Multiintegra
- PT Visi Teknologi Samudra
- PT Warga Kusuma Jaya
- PT. Indosuar Utama
- QATAR-Ministry of Transport
- Qingdao Geesatcom Technology Co.,Ltd
- Qinhuangdao Yaoxing Aids to Navigation Technology Co., Ltd.
- Quantum Solutions
- Resinex Trading srl
- Rise -Research Institute of Sweden
- Romania-Directia Hidrografica Maritima
- Royal Thai Navy – Hydrographic Department
- SabetoFlex
- Sabik Marine
- Sabik Offshore
- Sabik Offshore GmbH
- Salvage Certificação, Projetos e Serviços Offshore
- Sarawak Marine Department
- SAUDI ARABIA-Saudi Ports Authority
- Sea Marine Technology M y S C A
- Sea Ports Corporation – Sudan
- Sealite Pty Ltd
- Seamax Marine Services
- Sena and Vans Co., Ltd.
- Service des Phares et Balises – Tunisia
- Service Maritime et de la Navigation d’Haïti -SEMANAH
- Service National de la Signalisation Maritime – Gabon
- Servicio de Hidrografia Naval – Armada Argentina Ministerio de Defensa
- Shanghai Nanhua Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Rokem Industrial Co Ltd
- Shanghai Waterway Engineerings Design and Consulting Co Ltd
- Shenzhen Green Source Light Equipment Co., Ltd.
- Sice Srl
- SINGAPORE-Maritime and Port Authority
- Sitronics KT, JSC
- SLOVENIA-Slovenian Maritime Administration
- Sonarsea Kara Ve Deniz
- South African Maritime Safety Authority
- South China Sea Navigation Safeguard Center (Gangzhou) Atmospheric and Oceanic Information System Co., Ltd
- SPAIN-Puertos del Estado
- Spartan Maritime (M) Sdn Bhd
- SRT Marine Technology Ltd
- ST Engineering Electronics
- State Hydrographic Service of Georgia
- State Hydrographic Service of Ukraine
- STC B.V.
- Sternula A/S
- SULTANATE OF OMAN- Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services
- Svendborg International Maritime Academy – SIMAC
- SWEDEN-Swedish Maritime Administration
- Swedish Transport Agency
- Sydney Ports Corporation
- Tanzania Ports Authority
- Technomar Engenharia Ltda
- Terma A S – Radar Systems
- The Namibian Ports Authority
- THE NETHERLANDS- Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
- The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
- Tianjin Tianyuanhai Technology Development Co., Ltd.
- Tidalis BV
- Tideland Signal Manufacturing LLC
- TM One, TM Technology Services SDN BHD
- Tokokai
- Tokyo Keiki Inc. Maritime Traffic Systems Dept.
- Transnet National Ports Authority
- TST Corporation
- UK Hydrographic Office
- UMI SAN- Serviços de Apoio a Navegação e Engenharia Ltd
- United International Trading & Contracting Co W.L.L
- United Kingdom-Department of Transport
- United Technical Marine Denizcilik San.Ve.Tic;Ltd; Şti
- URUGUAY-Servicio Iluminacion y Balizamiento de la Armada Nacional
- US Coast Guard
- Vietnam Maritime Safety MSC-1
- Vissim AS
- W.A Maritimos Servicios Ltda
- Wärtsilä Voyage Limited
- Wealth Marine Pte Ltd
- Wenzhou Weixun Technology Co., Ltd.
- Woori Haeyang Co., Ltd.
- Xanatos Marine Ltd
- Zeni Lite Buoy Co Ltd
News & Events
- #30748 (no title)
- Digital@Sea
- e-Nav Underway Asia-Pacific 2017
- e-Nav Underway Asia-Pacific 2018
- e-Nav Underway Asia-Pacific 2019
- e-Nav Underway International 2013
- e-Nav Underway International 2014
- e-Nav Underway International 2015
- e-Nav Underway International 2016
- e-Nav Underway International 2018
- e-Nav Underway International 2019
- e-Nav Underway North America 2014
- e-Nav Underway North America 2015
- e-Nav Underway North America 2016
- e-nav underway north america 2017
- e-Nav Underway North America 2018
- e-Nav Underway North America 2019
- Media
- News
- Webinars
- AtoN during Covid-19
- Book on AIS
- Capacity Building – May 2021
- Capacity Building January-February 2021
- Documents approved at Council 72
- History and Change of Status of IALA
- Introduction to the IMO Resolution A.1158(32)
- Points Cardinaux
- Webinar on revised VTS Model Courses
- World Marine AtoN Day
- Academy News on Guinea-Bissau
- New Dean of the WWA!
- IALA takes on new powerful position to develop, harmonize and enhance worldwide safety of navigation, efficiency and protection of the marine environment.
- Council 80
- Vacancy WWA Dean
- Intergovernmental Status is on its way!
- Vacancy
- Visits at HQ
- Council79
- Happy festive season!
- Seminar on Marine Aids to Navigation in Buenos Aires
- FERNS 29
- IALA Level 1.1 Manager Course in China
- Bicentenary of the Fresnel Lens
- WWA mission in Albania
- Council 78
- 20th IALA Conference Conclusions
- The WWA celebrates 10 years of activity
- The 20th IALA Conference held in Brazil was very successful!
- MCP Seminar
- 20th IALA Conference 27 May – 3 June 2023
- Heritage Seminar
- PAP49
- VTS/SAR VHF Communications Induction Course
- 20th IALA Conference 2023 -2nd Announcement
- Council 76
- Happy festive season!
- WWA mission in Seychelles
- 20th IALA Conference 2023 -1st announcement
- Vacancy Notice
- Workshop on S-100/S-200 development and portrayal
- Council 75
- Visit of the Republic of Guinea to HQ, 18 May 2022
- International Day for Women in Maritime
- Academy News
- IALA is on its way to Intergovernmental status
- New Guidance documents available
- 20th Conference – Call for abstracts
- Season Greetings
- Digital@Sea Asia-Pacific 2021
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day Webinar 1st July 2021
- Seminar on MASS in Spanish Language
- Council 73
- Academy News – Participants views on the Symposium
- Workshop on AtoN in the Autonomous World
- Press Release from MENAS launching accredited training courses
- 14th Symposium – 12 to 16 April 2021
- Digital@Sea Webinar – 14 April 2021 – 10:00 to 11:00 UTC
- Webinaire Points Cardinaux n°2 – Pleins feux sur les atouts de la gestion des risques – Mardi 23 mars 2021 à 1400 UTC
- Singapore ratified the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
- Webinar on Cordouan Lighthouse – 15 March 2021 – 0800 to 1600 UTC
- Opening for signature of the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
- e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific 8-9 September 2020
- Virtual Committee Working Arrangements
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2020
- Council 71
- IALA members continue to work to ensure the safety of navigation during lockdown around the world.
- The 14th IALA Symposium is postponed
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) – IALA Precautionary Measures
- IALA-IHO Joint Workshop on S-100/200 Development and Portrayal
- Heritage Seminar
- AtoN Manager Courses in Spanish language in Colombia
- IALA Level 1 Marine Aids to Navigation Manager Course Distance Learning Programme 2019
- Achievements of the Academy
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Digitalization in the IALA Domain
- Workshop on Sustainability in AtoN Provision
- One Fathom Bank Lighthouse modernisation
- Major programme of lighthouses restoration
- Lingao Lighthouse: IALA Heritage Lighthouse 2025
- Torres Strait: Enhancement of aids to navigation
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Advancing the Safety, Security, and Efficiency of the Marine Transportation System
- The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
- Cyber security in particular for critical infrastructure such as VTS
- TERMA and 25 years on the VTS Committee
- 150th anniversary of Qingyu Lighthouse
- Shipping digitalization: Tuvalu
- uMhlanga Rocks Lighthouse at 70
- Investing in aids to navigation services as demand rises
- Two new satellites added to the Galileo constellation
- Message from the Secretary-General
- New safety messaging systems: VDES; the international MaDaMe project
- GNSS Jamming and Spoofing: Navigating Challenges in the Baltic Sea
- The Faroese Maritime Authority – Introduction
- Lighthouse twinning arrangements
- 150th Anniversary of Cabo Santa María Lighthouse
- Authenticating AIS and VDES Keeping them safe for another generation of mariners
- Expansion of the Philippine Vessel Traffic Management System
- 300th anniversary of Casquets Lighthouse
- Great Fish Point Lighthouse at 126 years & World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2024
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2024 and Lighthouse of the Year celebration, Genoa, Italy
- 2024 World Marine Aids to Navigation Day in the Republic of Korea
- Ocean Literacy Training for Marine Aids to Navigation Managers
- Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company
- Message from the SG
- Duncansby Head Lighthouse celebrates its centenary
- Great Lighthouses of Ireland
- Port of Açu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- A Closer Look at Lighthouses in the Philippines
- IMO International Women in Maritime Day 2024
- Assessing port infrastructure risks USCG convenes Safety Board of Inquiry
- News from NPC, Saudi Arabia
- Message from the SG
- European Union Agency for the Space Programme
- Malaysia Johor Port Authority
- Canadian Coast Guard IALA S-100 Workshop
- Direzione Fari e Segnalamenti del Comando Logistico della Marina Militare
- Australian Maritime Safety Authority
- Dr. Sally Snowman Retires as the US Coast Guard’s Last Lighthouse Keeper
- Consorcio de Gestion del Puerto de Bahia Blanca (CGPBB) – Port Authority of Bahía Blanca
- Transnet National Ports Authority Cape Morgan Lighthouse
- Northern Lighthouse Board First steel cut for new vessel
- Obituary – Clive Davidson
- Message from the SG
- US Coast Guard – Buoy servicing off Oahu, Hawaii
- Trinity House – St Catherine’s Lighthouse upgrade
- DGLL – Promotion of tourism at Indian Lighthouses
- Installation and deployment of aids to navigation Port of Luganville, Vanuatu
- Irish Lights – Innovative training course for Local Lighthouse Authorities
- Change in MENAS Navigational Light Dues
- Ghana Maritime Authority
- IALA in London
- Le Maroc Hôte de la Journée Mondiale des Aides à la Navigation Maritime à Tanger
- Republic of Korea
- Maritime Connectivity Platform Seminar
- Uruguay
- Republic of Korea
- Lebanon
- Albania
- Editorial
- Singapore ENAV-VTS Workshop
- Celebrating World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2023
- The 20th IALA Conference
- Getting ready for the 20th IALA Conference in Brazil
- Sternula: Launch of AIS Satellite
- MSM: Lighthouse upgrade case study
- Estonia
- Colombia
- Germany
- Brazil
- Finland
- Denmark
- Australia
- Editorial
- Navigating to 2050
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Chilean Navy Maritime Signalling Service
- The Philippine Coast Guard
- Northern Lighthouse Board – New service craft
- Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands Public Affairs
- Sultanate of Oman – Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services
- Open Digital Incubator Initiative
- Council 76
- Navigating to 2050, a safe and sustainable maritime future
- Message from the Secretary-General
- IALA and Ukraine
- St Tudwal’s Lighthouse modernisation
- Marine aids to navigation development in China 2022
- Dhanushkodi Lighthouse
- US Virgin Islands – USCG aids to navigation rebuild
- Commemorating the 2022 World Marine Aids to Navigation Day in the Republic of Korea
- Australia’s Cape Byron Lighthouse named Heritage Lighthouse of the Year 2021
- Mawani and IALA Discuss Technical Cooperation in Saudi Ports
- United States Coast Guard
- Expanded National Lighthouse Museum of Korea
- Liberia rejoins IALA
- Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
- NLB – Project Work – Cape Wrath
- Danish Maritime Administration
- Council75
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Commissioners of Irish Lights
- European Maritime Safety Agency
- Middle East Navigation Aids Service
- Trinity House
- GEOCUBA Estudios Marinos and the development of Aids to Maritime Navigation in Cuba
- Visit of Cameroon delegation to IALA 17-21 January 2022
- Signing Ceremony of the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
- e-Bulletin March 2022
- Members News – Almarin
- Members News – MSM
- Members News – South Africa
- Members News – Australia
- Members News – China MSA
- Members News – GLA – UK
- Members News – DIMAR Colombia
- Message from the Secretary-General
- News from Industrial Members
- News from National Members
- Workshop on Enhanced Radar Positioning System
- Evolution of the ATO’s during Covid19 Pandemic
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Obituary Christiane Ville
- Seminar on Marine Aids to Navigation in the Autonomous World
- Workshop on Marine Aids to Navigation in the Autonomous World
- Progress with IALA’s change of status
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 1 July 2021
- Letter from Sabik Marine & Sealite
- Message from the S-G
- Committees, Council & Symposium
- Australia’s ‘shining’ eastern jewel – Cape Byron Lighthouse
- Activities from Industrial Members
- Activities from Associate Members
- Activities from National Members
- Progress on the IGO Status
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Join the 14th IALA Symposium 2021
- Webinar Series
- Prefectura Naval Argentina
- Workshop on Marine Aids to Navigation in the Autonomous World
- WWA Seminarios ejecutivos, un impulso después de una misión técnica
- Les Micro-séminaires WWA, un coup d’accélérateur après une mission technique.
- WWA Micro Seminars, a supporting boost after a technical mission
- World Marine AtoN Day Celebration and International AtoN Forum 2020
- Council 72
- IMC Mid-Term Assembly commits to Code of Conduct
- Save the date for upcoming webinars!
- Virtual Committee meetings will continue in 2021
- Message from the Secretary-General
- WATON Day 2020
- Farewell to Mrs Marie-Hélène Grillet
- IALA Webinars
- Virtual committee meetings arrangements
- Mission de l’Académie mondiale à Haïti
- WWA Mission in Haiti
- Spanish is more and more present in IALA
- ARM11
- Conferencia Diplomática y Seminario de la Academia Mundial
- Conférence diplomatique et séminaire de l’Académie mondiale
- Diplomatic Conference & WWA Seminar
- Consejo 71
- Conseil 71
- Council 71
- El trabajo de IALA durante la pandemia de Covid-19
- Le télétravail à l’AISM pendant la pandémie de Covid-19
- IALA’s work during Covid-19 pandemic
- World-Wide Academy Activities
- Committees & Heritage Seminar
- ¡Recordatorio discreto! Conferencia Diplomática
- Petit rappel ! Conférence diplomatique
- Gentle reminder! Diplomatic Conference
- Consejo 70
- Conseil 70
- Council 70
- Message du secrétaire général
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Conferencia Diplomática y seminario sobre Seguridad de la Navegación
- Conférence diplomatique et séminaire sur la sécurité de la navigation
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Diplomatic Conference and Seminar on the Safety of Navigation
- Seminar on the use of the IALA Risk Management Toolbox, 18 to 22 November 2019, Colombia
- First Marine Aids to Navigation Manager course conducted by the Pacific Community
- Seminar on the revision of IMO Resolution A.857(20) Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Services
- Inaugural WAtoN Day and annual IALA Day
- WWA Mission in Gambia
- Seminar on the use of the IALA Risk Managment Toolbox
- Mensaje del Secretario General
- Message du Secrétaire Général
- Message from SG
- Council 69
- Distance Learning 2019
- Workshop on Ranging Mode (R-Mode)
- IALA está en camino hacia el estatus Intergubernamental
- Training Seminar on the IALA Risk Management Toolbox
- VTS46 and Workshop on VTS Voice Communication
- Message du secrétaire général
- Message from the Secretary-General
- e-Navigation Underway International Conference 2019
- IALA World-Wide Academy visited the Arabian Maritime and Navigation Aids Services
- Seminar on the IALA Risk Management Toolbox, Colombia
- Seminar on IMO Resolution A.857(20) for Vessel Traffic Services
- L’AISM en route pour son changement de statut
- IALA 3rd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference and WWA Seminar on the Safety of Navigation
- 68th session of the IALA Council
- Master of AtoN Management Course
- China MSA Level 1 Course
- IALA says fond farewell
- ENUW International 2019 welcomes you next month!
- El primer Día Mundial de la Ayuda Marítima a la Navegación será el 1 de julio de 2019
- Première journée mondiale des aides à la navigation maritime le 1er juillet 2019
- First World Marine Aids to Navigation Day set to be on July 1st 2019
- PROYECTO DE CONVENCIÓN DE IALA: próxima Conferencia Pre-DIPCON en Estambul
- Projet de convention de l’AISM: prochaine conférence diplomatique préparatoire à Istanbul
- DRAFT IALA CONVENTION: next Pre-DIPCON Conference in Istanbul
- Message du Secrétaire-Général
- Message from the Secretary-General
- IHO hosts 2018 IALA Day in Monaco
- Staff changes at IALA HQ
- L’AISM offre un site internet plus facile à utiliser
- IALA website improvements bring more user-friendly features
- Message du Secrétaire Général
- India Level 1 AtoN Manager Course
- SIRA risk management tool course delivered in the South Pacific
- Normas de la AISM adoptadas en la 13ra Asamblea General el 29 de Mayo de 2018 en Incheon, República de Corea
- Les normes de l’AISM adoptées lors de la 13ème Assemblée générale le 29 mai à Incheon, République de Corée
- Estructura de los Comités 2018-2022
- Structure des commissions 2018-2022
- Message du Secrétaire Général
- Unique lighthouse heritage in the spotlight in Incheon
- A Satellite-Based Augmentation System for the Australian region
- Risk Assessment using IWRAP MK2 Course
- Best Practice at its best!
- IALA Standards adopted at 13th General Assembly on 29th May 2018 in Incheon Republic of Korea
- Committee Structure 2018-2022
- Message from the Secretary-General
- IALA WWA Risk Management Toolbox Training Seminar
- IALA WWA Risk Management Toolbox Training Seminar
- Message du Secrétaire Général
- Message from the Secretary-General
- Seminario sobre Seguridad de la Navegación Marítima en África
- Séminaire sur la sécurité de la navigation maritime en Afrique
- IALA WWA Seminar on Safety of Maritime Navigation in Africa
- La Conferencia de Marrakech lleva hacia adelante el impulso de la OIG
- La conférence de Marrakech fait avancer le projet de changement de statut de l’AISM
- Marrakech Conference carries IGO momentum forward
- e-Navigation Underway North America 2018
- SIRA workshop
- EfficienSea2: Last chance to register for Final Conference
- e-navigation underway international 2018
- Message from the Secretary-General: IALA enters 2018 with great optimism
- IALA 2nd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
- IALA WWA Distance Learning
- IALA WWA Technical Mission to Guatemala
- 65ème session du Conseil de l’AISM
- 65th session of the IALA Council
- 8th International e-Navigation Underway Conference
- Workshop on How to run the Maritime Connectivity Platform
- Book Now early bird discount for the 19th IALA Conference 2018
- Seminar on Arctic Navigation
- A new recommendation from the ENG Committee
- Message from the SG
- E-Navigation Underway International Conference 2018
- Incheon 2018: Online registration opens on 1st October!
- The SESAME Straits project
- IALA WWA Needs Assessment Mission to Sudan
- IALA’s MBS Booklet was translated to Arabic
- e-Navigation Underway 2017 North America
- New IALA Technical Operations Manager
- IALA Headquarters refurbishement is finished
- VTS43
- ARM6
- ENG6
- ENAV20
- IALA WWA Distance Learning
- MNTI accreditation
- ARM6
- ARM6
- ENG6
- ENG6
- VTS43
- VTS43
- ENAV20
- ENAV20
- e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific
- Only one year to go to the 19th IALA Conference in Incheon!
- Mensaje del Secretario General de la AISM Francis Zachariae
- Message du Secrétaire Général de l’AISM Francis Zachariae
- Message from IALA Secretary-General Francis Zachariae
- IALA contributes to new Arctic Forum
- La Conferencia Internacional de la Navegación Electrónica En Ruta muestra las prácticas evolutivas
- La conférence e-Navigation Underway International montre des pratiques en pleine évolution
- 3rª Reunión Regional de la ASEAN – Japón, 13 de febrero de 2017
- 3ème réunion régionale Japon-Asie du sud-est – 13 février 2017
- 3rd ASEAN-Japan regional meeting, 13th February 2017
- Misión de evaluación de necesidades técnicas de la Academia Mundial de la AISM en Trinidad y Tobago
- Mission technique de l’académie mondiale de l’AISM sur l’évaluation des besoins à Trinité et Tobago
- La Conferencia Internacional de la Navegación Electrónica En Ruta muestra las prácticas evolutivas
- Taller sobre luz y energía sostenibles para la próxima generación 20-24 de marzo de 2017, Koblenz, Alemania
- Atelier sur les feux et sources d’énergie durables pour la prochaine génération, du 20 au 24 mars 2017 à Coblence, Allemagne
- Workshop on Sustainable Light and Power for the Next Generation 20-24 March 2017, Koblenz, Germany
- La reacondicionada sede de la AISM pone de manifiesto el factor ¡Oh!
- Le réaménagement du siège de l’AISM provoque l’effet « waouh » !
- Refurbished IALA HQ brings out the Wow factor!
- e-Navigation Underway International Conference 2017
- IALA Workshop on Common Phraseology and Procedures for VTS Communication
- IALA WWA technical needs assessment mission in Trinidad and Tobago
- Workshop on Sustainable Light and Power for the Next Generation
- El trabajo de la AISM en EfficienSea2
- Le travail de l’AISM dans EfficienSea2
- IALA’s work in EfficienSea2
- Mensaje del Secretario General de la AISM Francis Zachariae
- Message du Secrétaire général de l’AISM Francis Zachariae
- Message from IALA Secretary-General Francis Zachariae
- Taller de la AISM sobre Fraseología y Procedimientos Comunes para la Comunicación de los VTS
- Atelier de l’AISM sur une phraséologie et des procédures communes pour la communication VTS
- La Secretaría de IALA les desea a todos los Miembros y organizaciones internacionales socias un ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
- Mission Technique à la Barbade
- La Turquie soutient l’AISM et l’Académie Mondiale
- Le Secrétariat de l’AISM souhaite une très bonne année à tous les membres de l’AISM et à toutes ses organisations partenaires!
- Reunión preparatoria de la Conferencia Diplomática
- Conférence Diplomatique Préparatoire
- 63ème session du Conseil de l’AISM
- 19ème Conférence de l’AISM, République de Corée, 28 mai au 2 juin 2018
- The IALA Secretariat wishes all IALA Members and partner international organizations a Happy New Year!
- 19th IALA Conference in Incheon, Republic of Korea, 28th May to 2nd June, 2018
- 63rd Session of the IALA Council
- 63ème session du Conseil de l’AISM
- 2017 International e-Navigation Underway Conference
- Support from Turkey to IALA and the World-Wide Academy
- Technical mission to Barbados
- Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
- ARM20
- ARM21
- Council02
- Council03
- ENG20
- ENG21
- LAP28
- PAP58 & Conference Steering Committee
- Second Latin America Regional Meeting
- VTS58
- Workshop on International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) for Marine AtoN
- Workshop on Sustainability in AtoN provision
Meeting Docs
- Academy News on Guinea-Bissau
- New Dean of the WWA!
- IALA takes on new powerful position to develop, harmonize and enhance worldwide safety of navigation, efficiency and protection of the marine environment.
- Council 80
- Vacancy WWA Dean
- Intergovernmental Status is on its way!
- Vacancy
- Visits at HQ
- Council79
- Happy festive season!
- Seminar on Marine Aids to Navigation in Buenos Aires
- FERNS 29
- IALA Level 1.1 Manager Course in China
- Bicentenary of the Fresnel Lens
- WWA mission in Albania
- Council 78
- 20th IALA Conference Conclusions
- The WWA celebrates 10 years of activity
- The 20th IALA Conference held in Brazil was very successful!
- MCP Seminar
- 20th IALA Conference 27 May – 3 June 2023
- Heritage Seminar
- PAP49
- VTS/SAR VHF Communications Induction Course
- 20th IALA Conference 2023 -2nd Announcement
- Council 76
- Happy festive season!
- WWA mission in Seychelles
- 20th IALA Conference 2023 -1st announcement
- Vacancy Notice
- Workshop on S-100/S-200 development and portrayal
- Council 75
- Visit of the Republic of Guinea to HQ, 18 May 2022
- International Day for Women in Maritime
- Academy News
- IALA is on its way to Intergovernmental status
- New Guidance documents available
- 20th Conference – Call for abstracts
- Season Greetings
- Digital@Sea Asia-Pacific 2021
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day Webinar 1st July 2021
- Seminar on MASS in Spanish Language
- Council 73
- Academy News – Participants views on the Symposium
- Workshop on AtoN in the Autonomous World
- Press Release from MENAS launching accredited training courses
- 14th Symposium – 12 to 16 April 2021
- Digital@Sea Webinar – 14 April 2021 – 10:00 to 11:00 UTC
- Webinaire Points Cardinaux n°2 – Pleins feux sur les atouts de la gestion des risques – Mardi 23 mars 2021 à 1400 UTC
- Singapore ratified the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
- Webinar on Cordouan Lighthouse – 15 March 2021 – 0800 to 1600 UTC
- Opening for signature of the Convention on the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
- e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific 8-9 September 2020
- Virtual Committee Working Arrangements
- World Marine Aids to Navigation Day 2020
- Council 71
- IALA members continue to work to ensure the safety of navigation during lockdown around the world.
- The 14th IALA Symposium is postponed
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) – IALA Precautionary Measures
- IALA-IHO Joint Workshop on S-100/200 Development and Portrayal
- Heritage Seminar
- AtoN Manager Courses in Spanish language in Colombia
- IALA Level 1 Marine Aids to Navigation Manager Course Distance Learning Programme 2019
- Achievements of the Academy
Guidance Documents
- R0125 VTS Portrayal
- R0128 Operational and Technical Performance of VTS Systems (V-128)
- R0141 Training and Certification of Marine Aids to Navigation Personnel
- R0201 Marine Signal Lights-Colours (E200-1)
- R0204 Marine Signal Lights-Determination and Calculation of Effective Intensity (E-200-4)
- R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System
- R1017 Resilient Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT)
- R1023 Maritime Resource Names
- R1024 Cyber security for the IALA domain
- R1025 Harmonized waterways datasets
- G1006 Plastic buoys
- G1014 Accreditation of VTS Training Organizations and Approval to Deliver VTS Model Courses
- G1058 Use of Simulation as a Tool for Waterway Design and Aids to Navigation Planning
- G1078 The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways
- G1100 The Accreditation and Approval Process for AtoN Personnel Training
- G1111-1 Producing Requirements for Core VTS Systems and Equipment
- G1111-2 Producing Requirements for Voice Communications
- G1111-3 Producing Requirements for Radar
- G1111-4 Producing Requirements for AIS
- G1111-5 Producing Requirements for Environment Monitoring Sensors
- G1111-6 Producing Requirements for Electro Optical Systems
- G1111-7 Producing Requirements for Radio Direction Finders
- G1111-8 Producing Requirements for Long Range Sensors
- G1111-9 Framework for Acceptance of VTS Systems and Equipment
- G1123 The Use of IALA Waterway Risk Assessment Programme (IWRAP)
- G1127 Systems and Services for High Accuracy Positioning and Ranging
- G1128 The Specification of e-Navigation Technical Services
- G1129 The Retransmission of SBAS Corrections Using MF-Radio Beacon and AIS
- G1130 Technical Aspects of Information Exchange between VTS and Allied or other Services
- G1147 The Use of Enhanced Radar Positioning Systems
- G1157 Web Service Based S-100 Data Exchange
- G1159 Ship Reporting from a shore-based perspective
- G1162 The marking of offshore man-made structures
- G1163 The Marking of Breakwaters and Barriers
- G1164 Management of Maritime Resource Name Organisation Identifiers
- G1165 Sustainable Structural Design of Marine Aids to Navigation
- G1166 VTS in Inland Waters
- G1168 Quality Control of third-party AtoN Service Providers
- G1169 Training and Certification of Marine AtoN Personnel
- G1170 Solar Modules for a Marine Environment
- G1171 Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
- G1172 The Marking of Bridges and other structures over navigable waters
- G1173 Ed1.0 AtoN Training and Awareness for Mariners
- G1174 Ed1.0 Radar reflectors for marine aids to navigation
- G1175 AtoN Equipment and Structures Exposed to Extreme Environmental Conditions
- G1176 How to Promote Safety Culture in VTS
- G1177 Portrayal of VTS information
- G1178 An introduction to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) from an IALA perspective
- G1179 An introduction to the Internet of Things from an IALA perspective
- G1180 Resilient PNT
- G1181 VDES VDL Integrity Monitoring
- G1182 Cyber security specifics from an IALA perspective
- G1183 Provison of MCP identities
- G1184 Harmonized waterways datasets
- G1185 Enhancing the safety and efficiency of navigation around offshore renewable energy installations
- G1186 Overview of a floating AtoN
- G1187 Medium Frequency R-Mode signal structure and navigation message
- G1188 Quality management practices for VTS providers
Model Courses
- C0103-1 (V-103/1) Vessel Traffic Service Operators Training
- C0103-2 Ed3.0 Vessel Traffic Services Supervisor Training
- C0103-3 (V-103/3) Vessel Traffic Service On the Job Training
- C0103-4 (V-103/4) Vessel Traffic Service – On the Job Training Instructor
- C0103-5 (V-103/5) Vessel Traffic Service Revalidation Process
- C1001 Marine Aids to Navigation Manager Training
- C1002 Master of Marine Aids to Navigation Management
- C1003 Aids to Navigation Manager Training Level 1 – Use of the IALA Risk Management Tools
- C1004 Aids to Navigation Management Training Level 1 – Global Navigation Satelitte Systems and e-Navigation
- C1005 Historic Lighthouse Projects
- C2000 Level 2 Technician Training Overview
- C2001-1 Introduction to Aids to Navigation
- C2001-10 An Introduction to Shore Marks
- C2001-2 Introduction to AtoN Buoyage
- C2001-3 Buoy Handling and Safe Working Practices
- C2001-4 Buoy Moorings
- C2001-5 Buoy Cleaning
- C2001-6 Introduction to Buoy Positions
- C2001-7 Maintenance of Plastic Buoys
- C2001-8 Maintenance of Steel Buoys
- C2001-9 Power Sources on Buoys Ed.3.0
- C2002-1 DC Power Systems
- C2002-2 Primary and Secondary Battery Maintenance
- C2002-3 Photovoltaic (Solar panel) Systems and Maintenance
- C2002-4 Wind Generators
- C2002-5 Mains AC Utility Power Systems; Diesel and Petrol Generators
- C2002-6 Lightning Protection
- C2003-1 Lights and Marine Lanterns
- C2003-2 Light Flashers Lamp changers and IPS lanterns
- C2003-3 Rotating Beacons and Classic lenses
- C2003-4 Maintenance of Mercury Rotating Optics
- C2003-5 Range, sector and precision direction lights
- C2004-1 Sound Signals
- C2005-1 Introduction to Coatings and Specifications; Surface Preparation
- C2006-1 AtoN Service Craft and Buoy Tenders
- C2007-1 Racons maintenance
- C2008-1 AIS AtoN Operations
- C2009-1 Introduction to Radionavigation and DGNSS
- C2010-1 Introduction to remote monitoring of AtoN
- C2011-1 Marine Aids to Navigation Structures: Materials, Corrosion and Protection
- C2011-2 Preservation of Structures
- C2011-3 Maintenance Planning & Records
- Maintenance of Steel Buoys
- Power Sources on Buoys
- Racons Beacon Maintenance
- AtoN Software
- Connectivity
- DGNSS Contact List
- e-Navigation
- IALA Questionnaire
- IALAWiki
- Information Portrayal
- Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)
- Maritime Resource Name (MRN)
- Planning and Reporting of Testbeds in the Maritime Domain
- Active Testbeds
- Arctic Web
- Ariadna
- Completed Testbeds
- datAcron
- Dublin Bay Digital Diamond
- e-SENS
- e-Yangshan Port
- eFairway
- EfficienSea
- Efficiensea 2
- eMIR
- eMSI
- EUCISE2020
- Great Lakes – St Lawrence Seaway System
- Hermitage
- Intelligent Fairway
- Monalisa 1.0
- Norsat 2
- Norwegian e-Navigation trial
- PALAEMON project
- Polar Ice
- Second Generation SBAS in Australia and New Zealand
- Sesame STRAITS
- SESAME Straits project
- Smart Navigation Project
- SSAP Smart Ship Application
- STM Validation
- Testbeds Guideline
- Tianjin Port e-Navigation
- Torres Straits/GBR
- Positioning, Navigation and Timing
- Risk analysis and management
- S-200 PS Data Modelling
- Simulation
- Technical Services
Application Specific Messages
- Buoy position monitoring
- Monitoring aids to navigation
- Text telegram using 6-bit ASCII
- Text using 6-bit ASCII
- Application acknowledgement
- Interrogation for specified FMs within the IAI branch
- Capability interrogation
- Capability reply
- Application acknowledgement to an addressed binary message
- Dangerous cargo indication
- Tidal window
- Number of persons on board
- Number of persons on board
- Ship waypoints (WP) and/or route plan report
- Advice of waypoints (AWP) and/or route plan of VTS
- Clearance time to enter port
- Extended ship static and voyage related data
- Berthing data
- Area notice
- Dangerous cargo indication
- Route information
- Text description
- Tidal window
- Number of persons on board
- ETA at lock/bridge/terminal
- RTA at lock/bridge/terminal
- Number of persons on board
- Route suggestion
- Route suggestion reply
- Aids to Navigation monitoring data
- Aids to Navigation monitoring data
- Water Flow Message (Seaway)
- Weather Station Message
- Water Level Message
- Wind Information Message
- Estimated Lock Times Message (Seaway)
- Lockage Order Message (Seaway)
- Version Message (Seaway)
- Water Level Message
- Wind Information Message
- Water Flow Message (Seaway)
- Weather Station Message
- Lockage Order Message (Seaway)
- Estimated Lock Times Message (Seaway)
- Version Message (Seaway)
- Passenger and Crew Count
- Collision alarm
- Text telegram using 6-bit ASCII
- Text using 6-bit ASCII
- Metreorological and hydrological data
- Fairway closed
- Extended ship static and voyage related data
- VTS targets (targets derived by means other than AIS)
- Pseudo-AIS targets
- VTS-generated/Synthetic targets
- Advice of waypoints (AWP) and/or route plan of VTS
- Marine traffic signal
- Weather observation report from ship
- Area notice
- Extended ship static and voyage-related data
- Environmental
- Route information
- Text description
- Meteorological and Hydrographic data
- Inland ship static and voyage related data
- Control Message
- EMMA warning
- Water levels
- Present Bridge Clearance message
- Signal status
- Signal Lights message
- Intended route
- Envelope/volume
- Lock Status
- Area Notice
- Environmental Message
- Waterways Management
- Geographic Notice
- Linked Text
- Environmental Message
- Waterways Management Message
- Offshore Unit Dimensions
- Text using 6-bit ASCII
- Text using 6-bit ASCII
Towards An IGO