Welcome to the Maritime Resource Name (MRN) portal site. This page provides up-to-date information about Maritime Resource Names and their usage within the maritime industry. IALA welcomes comments and contributions by emailing us directly at the technical manager, tm@iala-aism.org .

What is it?
Maritime Resource Name (MRN) is a naming scheme that can uniquely identify any maritime resource on a global scale. By maritime resource, it means anything that has an identity of some kind. This could be organizations, employees, a person, a physical or a virtual object, for instance, an electronic document, a buoy, a ship, a mariner, a nautical chart, or an electronic service (e.g., “today’s weather report for the Oresund Strait”). Not all resources are “retrievable” in an electronic sense; For example, human beings, corporations, and buoys. However, they can still be considered a resource.
R1023 Maritime Resource Names
G1143 Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Application Process
Assignment of Organization IDs is mainly reserved for maritime standards development organizations, research projects, scientific societies, and similar bodies. The detailed procedure is defined in the IALA Guideline G1164.
G1164 Management of MRN Organisation Identifiers
Maritime Resource Name
If you wish to apply for an Organization ID please fill out a form similar to this and send it to tm@iala-aism.org. We will then get back to you with more details.
Management of MRNs
IALA expects to present a paper about how to manage namespaces within organizations in a consistent manner. This will also include guidelines and best practices for developing organization specific namespaces.
Who is using it, and what for
IALA is currently getting some experience using MRNs in the following projects
http://efficiensea2.org/For identification of users, organizations and services
http://stmvalidation.eu/For identification of organizations, services and voyages
http://www.smartnav.orgFor identification of users
? Vessel Shore Reporting Service
http://www.iho.int/Identifiers utilized within S-100 product specifications
Readers may send feedback about errors, omissions, and ambiguities on this page to contact@iala-aism.org
List of Organization IDs
ISO 3166 country codes Alpha 2 and 3 are reserved in OID.
Organization IDs | Date | Registering organization | contact |
urn:mrn:iala: | 2017-07-30 |
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Homepage |
Minsu Jeon tm@iala-aism.org |
urn:mrn:iho: | 2018-04-04 |
International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) http://www.iho.int |
Yong Baek addt@iho.int |
urn:mrn:mcl: urn:mrn:mcp: | 2017-06-22 |
Maritime Connectivity Platform Consortium |
Thomas Steen Christensen thomas@dmc.international |
Urn:mrn:gs1: | 2018-10-30 |
GS1 Global Office |
Jaco Voorspuij |
urn:mrn:mission: | 2019-2-01 |
Manage Information Seamlessly in Ports and Hinterlands (MISSION) | Anisa Rizvanolli Anisa.Rizvanolli@cml.fraunhofer.de |
urn:mrn:ipcdmc: | 2019-06-26 |
International Port Collaborative Decision Making Council (IPCDMC) |
Michael Bergmann |
urn:mrn:stm: | 2019-03-28 |
Sea Traffic Management (STM) |
Fredrik Karlsson |
urn:mrn:nlp: | 2020-03-20 | Navelink Industry Consortium https://navelink.org | Tobias Axelsson info@navelink.org |
urn:mrn:kor: | 2020-03-27 | The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea (MOF) http://mof.go.kr | Sunbae Hong hong0610@korea.kr |
urn:mrn:iehg | 2023-03-11 | The Inland ENC Harmonization Group (IEHG) https://ienc.openecdis.org/ | Denise LaDue Denise.R.LaDue@usace.army.mil, Bernd Birklhuber bernd.birklhuber@bmk.gv.at |
urn:mrn:fin | 2023-03-11 | Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom https://www.traficom.fi | Stefan Engström / Mikko Hovi stefan.engstrom@traficom.fi / mikko.hovi@traficom.fi |