1. General Information
Name of the testbed: FAROS – Human Factors in Risk-Based Design Methodology
Duration: 2012 – 2015
Status: Completed
Testbed website: http://www.faros-project.eu
Initial Organisations:
- AALTO: Aalto-Korkeakoulusaatio
- AMC: Alfa Marin Technikh Symvouleytikh Meleton Kai Ergon Epe
- BBL: Brookes Bell LLP, project co-ordinator
- GAIN: Galician Innovation Agency
- DBL: Deep Blue SRL
- HSW: Hochschule Wismar – Fachhochschulefur Technik, Wirtshaft Und Gestaltung
- LR: Lloyd’s Register EMEA
- NAP: Naval Architecture Progress
- TLG: Tallink Grupp AS
- UCL: University College London
- UoS: University of Strathclyde
- VTT: Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT
Initial funding: EC FP7
2. Executive summary
FAROS is an EC FP7 funded, three year project to develop an approach to incorporate human factors into Risk-Based Design of ships. The project consortium consists of 12 members including industry, academia and research institutes.
FAROS will use experimental data, simulations, parametric ship design models and optimisation processes to integrate human factors into the ship design process at a conceptual stage. This will include global and local ship design factors features.
This project builds on previous research and development of Risk-Based Design (RBD) for ships which began with SAFEDOR, and encompasses damage stability (GOALDS), fire safety (FIREPROOF), flooding control (FLOODSTAND) and environmental impact (FLAGSHIP).
The FP7 Programme is also funding two partner projects on Human Factors in ship design:
• Crew-centered Design and Operations of Ships and Ship Systems (CyClaDes)
• Model-based Cooperative and Adaptive Ship-based Context Aware Design (CASCADe)
3. Testbed Information
The type of users involved in the trials
Details of e-Navigation gap/s considered for the testbed
The category of e-navigation gap/s considered in the testbed
Details of e-navigation solution/s considered in the testbed
The category of e-navigation solution/s considered in the testbed
Links to similar / relevant testbeds
4. Testbed methodology
Methodology used for data collection
Summary information on testbed respondents / participants
5. Testbed results
6. Conclusions and recommendations
Comparison of modulation methods
Future work
7. Publications
To be presented
8. Reference material
To be presented