NORSAT-2 ESA VDE-SAT downlink verification
The objective of the ESA VDE-SAT Downlink Verification is to demonstrate the feasibility of the VHF data exchange via satellite in a real operating environment. The feasibility of VDE-SAT will be demonstrated by a test campaign as well as a VDE-SAT service demonstration. The project is planned for H1 2017.
The main purpose of the test campaign is to assess the performance of the waveforms considered, enabling standardisation of a suitable set of waveforms and corresponding parameters. Based on these results, recommendations regarding the downlink physical layer will be given.
Two test receivers, one on-board a Norwegian Coast Guard vessel and a reference receiver at FFI premises at Kjeller (Norway) will be used during the test campaign. The Coast Guard vessel will receive VDE-SAT transmissions at sea. The terminal at the FFI premises will be used as reference, for transmitter (Tx) and ship terminal receiver (Rx) verification, and debugging if necessary.
The specification and performance figures are derived from the Recommendation ITU-R M.2092-0. The activity shall demonstrate the functionality and performance of VDE-SAT Downlink waveforms and data link protocols that are currently being consolidated by international working groups in IALA and ITU for data exchange via satellite in VHF maritime bands.