Positioning , Navigation and Timing (PNT)
Since the early stage of navigation, PNT information has been vital to ensure navigation safety and continuity of maritime operations. Moreover, nowadays, PNT has become the key element of e-Navigation, Sea Traffic Management and Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. From the IMO’s e-Navigation Strategy, Position fixing is one the eight identified key elelments of e-navigation.
Over decades, IALA has put lots of effort in working for the development of resilient position fixing. In this regards, IALA has set up PNT Working Group in the ENAV Technical Committee since 2010, and the Committee has developed many of essential Recommendations and Guidelines contributing to improving the PNT service. And the PNT work taking place on R-Mode and that the VDE Channels in VDES offer great potential for this.
IALA also cooperates on PNT services with other international organizations such as IAIN, IEC, ITU, CIRM, RTCM and others. IAIN and IALA hosts few joint Forums on Resilient PNT, and, IALA hosted a seminar on Arctic Navigation in November 2017, and gathered many experts around the world and discussed on the challenges of safe navigation in the region.