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(New page: == Volume of Traffic in the Malacca Strait == Type and total of vessel reporting to Klang VTS from January 1999 to December 2010: {| !align="left"|TYPE!!align="right"|1999!!align="right"...)
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== Volume of Traffic in the Malacca Strait ==
== Type and total of vessel reporting to Klang VTS from January 1999 to December 2010: ==
Type and total of vessel reporting to Klang VTS from January 1999 to December 2010:


Latest revision as of 12:34, 11 April 2009

Type and total of vessel reporting to Klang VTS from January 1999 to December 2010:

TYPE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL %
VLCC / DEEP DRAFT CR 2027 3163 3303 3301 3487 3477 3788 3851 3753 30150 5.54%
TANKER VESSEL 11474 13343 14276 14591 15667 16403 14759 14784 14931 130228 23.93%
LNG / LPG CARRIER 2473 2962 3086 3141 3277 3343 3099 3297 3413 28091 5.16%
CARGO VESSEL 5674 6603 6476 6065 6193 6624 6340 6477 8467 58919 10.83%
CONTAINER VESSEL 14521 18283 20101 20091 19575 20187 20818 22615 23736 179927 33.06%
BULK CARRIER 3438 4708 5370 5754 6256 6531 7394 8129 9684 57264 10.52%
RORO / CAR CARRIER 1229 1761 1764 1980 2182 2440 2515 2863 3137 19871 3.65%
PASSENGER VESSEL 1919 3301 3151 3490 3033 2838 2299 2009 1870 23910 4.39%
LIVESTOCK CARRIER 42 70 108 108 80 46 45 51 51 601 0.11%
TUG / TOW VESSEL 566 774 610 422 478 568 420 372 444 4654 0.86%
GOV / NAVY VESSEL 93 117 155 111 120 130 153 81 95 1055 0.19%
FISHING VESSEL 52 44 60 38 35 67 34 39 36 405 0.07%
OTHERS 457 828 854 942 1951 982 957 1081 1101 9153 1.68%
TOTAL 43965 55957 59314 60034 62334 63636 62621 65649 70718 0 0 0 544228 100%
% 8.08% 10.28% 10.90% 11.03% 11.45% 11.69% 11.51% 12.06% 12.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100% 100%

(Source: Marine Department of Malaysia)

Seasonal variation in Traffic Volume (2007)

There seems to be little seasonal variation in traffic volume (figures are from 2007).

VLCC / DEEP DRAFT 313 276 316 319 311 310 340 295 305 340 308 320 3753 5.31%
TANKER VESSEL 1212 1143 1272 1261 1281 1242 1263 1279 1204 1269 1263 1242 14931 21.11%
LNG / LPG CARRIER 301 251 281 249 262 292 285 291 294 291 296 320 3413 4.83%
CARGO VESSEL 700 679 711 667 680 717 736 733 646 762 740 696 8467 11.97%
CONTAINER VESSEL 1866 1750 1860 1933 2021 1960 2018 2064 1937 2115 2082 2130 23736 33.56%
BULK CARRIER 772 671 806 812 830 836 797 829 813 814 858 846 9684 13.69%
RORO / CAR CARRIER 241 231 232 245 259 276 272 276 286 266 273 280 3137 4.44%
PASSENGER VESSEL 148 117 159 130 143 149 177 136 118 186 161 246 1870 2.64%
LIVESTOCK CARRIER 6 5 0 6 6 6 6 5 2 3 4 2 51 0.07%
TUG / TOW VESSEL 37 37 35 34 41 38 29 25 36 43 36 53 444 0.63%
GOV / NAVY VESSEL 2 3 7 8 15 3 11 9 12 3 15 7 95 0.13%
FISHING VESSEL 4 1 2 2 4 4 3 6 2 2 4 2 36 0.05%
OTHERS 80 83 96 97 105 78 109 91 72 82 91 117 1101 1.56%
TOTAL 5682 5247 5777 5763 5958 5911 6046 6039 5727 6176 6131 6261 70718 100%
% 8.0% 7.42% 8.17% 8.15% 8.43% 8.36% 8.55% 8.54% 8.10% 8.73% 8.67% 8.85% 100% 100%

(Source: Marine Department of Malaysia)

Time of Day Variation in Traffic Volume

STATION 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TOTAL %
00-08 5510 5266 5178 5230 5817 6242 6515 6897 6887 53542 9.84%
08-16 6319 5933 5517 6028 6498 6815 7002 7015 7421 58548 10.76%
16-24 6910 6822 6106 6276 6684 7047 7043 8258 8474 63620 11.69%
00-08 4989 7010 7990 7882 8311 8408 7458 8733 10030 70811 13.01%
08-16 6744 8598 8826 9167 9017 9092 8634 8983 10464 79525 14.61%
16-24 6694 8416 9057 8852 9263 9371 8492 9384 10968 80497 14.79%
00-08 1489 3233 4280 4268 4508 4340 4919 4452 4632 36121 6.64%
08-16 2708 5458 5947 6141 5982 6196 6713 6102 6039 51286 9.42%
16-24 2602 5221 6413 6190 6254 6116 5845 5825 5803 50269 9.24%
TOTAL 43965 55957 59314 60034 62334 63636 62621 65649 70718 0 0 0 544219 100%
% 8.08% 10.28% 10.90% 11.03% 11.45% 11.69% 11.51% 12.06% 12.99% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100% 100%

(Source: Marine Department of Malaysia)