Importing raw AIS data

Revision as of 09:49, 10 September 2014 by Oferiks (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Each AIS sentence must have a timestamp attached in front of the sentence. Timestamp + separator + AIS-sentence The time stamp can be in any normally used format. The sep...")
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Each AIS sentence must have a timestamp attached in front of the sentence.

Timestamp + separator + AIS-sentence

The time stamp can be in any normally used format.

The separator can be a comma, semicolon, space, tabulator or something else


24-12-2013 10:00:26.748,!BSVDM,1,1,,A,17bG;L001Kawad2D5fHR6Qrj00Sp,0*61

24-12-2013 10:00:26.750,!BSVDM,1,1,,A,17bG;L001Kawad2D5fHR6Qrj00Sp,0*61

24-12-2013 10:00:26.752,!BSVDM,1,1,,A,16K2;8h000awF:FD@QsB03tl0D3c,0*6D

24-12-2013 10:00:26.753,!BSVDM,2,1,5,A,56KPiQT2=:Bt`kKK7F1@4Tdv0l59F2222222221@80;5760e,0*00

24-12-2013 10:00:26.753,!BSVDM,2,2,5,A,0:wRT86@jp0iQ`888888880,2*7F

24-12-2013 10:00:26.964,!BSVDM,1,1,,A,404757V@08P009wdLJD;;HG00d4h,0*2B

24-12-2013 10:00:26.965,!BSVDM,1,1,,B,A04757QAv0agH2Jd1B`@5wg=um0,2*29

IWRAP recognize this as a Timestamp,NMEA sentence.

The user must then press the define field button and define the datetime format.

Make sure the Field delimiter in IWRAP is set to ‘None’