
E-bulletin Archive: 2018

IHO hosts 2018 IALA Day in Monaco

The annual IALA Day this year took place at the headquarters of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in Monaco. The IHO Secretary-General, Dr Mathias Jonas, warmly welcomed the entire IALA home team including the World-Wide Academy Dean and staff on 6 September. He referred to the IHO and IALA being natural allies, praising their complementary […]

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Staff changes at IALA HQ

We will be saying goodbye to four long-serving members of the Secretariat team at the end of the year: Michael Card, Deputy Secretary-General, Stephen Bennett, WWA Vice Dean, Seamus Doyle and Wim van der Heijden, Committee Secretaries. All will complete their contracts on 31 December 2018. We will be engaging two new full-time employees who […]

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L’AISM offre un site internet plus facile à utiliser

Suite à la 19ème conférence qui s’est tenue à Incheon, République de Corée (28 mai-2 juin 2018), le site internet de l’AISM a été réorganisé afin d’offrir un espace plus facile à utiliser. Les participants aux réunions des commissions peuvent maintenant accéder directement aux documents pour les réunions à partir du menu principal. Il y […]

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IALA website improvements bring more user-friendly features

Since the 19th IALA Conference was held in Incheon, Republic of Korea (28 May-2 June 2018), the IALA website has been substantially reorganized in order to provide a more user friendly interface. Participants in committee meetings can now access Meeting Documents directly from the top menu. Direct access to all the IALA Guidance Documents is […]

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Message du Secrétaire Général

Suite à la traditionnelle saison de vacances estivales en France, l’équipe de l’AISM est prête à attaquer la prochaine session de commission au siège de l’AISM. Les quatre commissions techniques vont se réunir chaque semaine, à la suite, tout le mois d’octobre, en commençant par VTS45 et ENAV22 puis ENG8 et ARM8. Une participation assez […]

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Following the traditional August holiday season in France, the IALA home team is in top gear to serve this year’ series of committee meetings at our Saint-Germain-en-Laye headquarters. The four technical committees will each meet one week in quick succession throughout October – commencing with VTS45 and ENAV22, ENG8 and ARM8 following in this order. […]

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India Level 1 AtoN Manager Course

The first “Level 1” AtoN manager course in India was delivered by the Marine Navigation Training Institute (MNTI) based in Kolkata from 23rd July to 17th August 2018 using expert lecturers including the six IALA World-Wide Academy Alumni who had gained international certificates of competency as Level 1 managers at other ATOs in 2015 and […]

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SIRA risk management tool course delivered in the South Pacific

The Vice Dean of the IALA World-Wide Academy delivered a course on the use of the “SIRA” risk management tool in the Pacific Community (SPC) Offices, Suva, Fiji on 27 – 28 June 2018. It was attended by seventeen participants from the Competent Authorities or Ports from the following Island coastal States: Cook Islands; Federated […]

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La 19na Conferencia de la AISM celebrada en el prestigiosa Centro de Convenciones Songdo ConvensiA del 28 de Mayo al 2 de Junio de 2018 batió todos los records previos, atrayendo a más de 500 participantes de 68 países de todo el mundo. La vasta exhibición presentada por el Comité de Miembros Industriales también tuvo […]

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Les normes de l’AISM adoptées lors de la 13ème Assemblée générale le 29 mai à Incheon, République de Corée

Suite à l’adoption de la vision stratégique lors de l’Assemblée générale de mai 2014, le Conseil a approuvé la structure hiérarchique des documents techniques à sa session de décembre 2014. Cette hiérarchie est Norme/Recommandation/Document Guide/Manuel/Modèle de cours. Aux sessions suivantes du Conseil, la relation entre ces documents et leur contenu a été reconsidérée. Prenant en […]

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Estructura de los Comités 2018-2022

En su reunión en Diciembre 2017 el Consejo decidió la nueva Estructura de los Comités para el período 2018-2022. Su organización en cuatro Comités Técnicos ha servido bien a la AISM durante muchos años. Un factor importante es también las consideraciones prácticas de espacio y facilidades de la sede de la AISM, incluyendo el apoyo […]

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Structure des commissions 2018-2022

Lors de la réunion de décembre 2017, le Conseil a décidé de la structure des Commissions pour la période 2018-2022. L’organisation en quatre Commissions fonctionne bien depuis de nombreuses années. Un facteur également important à considérer est l’espace disponible au siège de l’AISM ainsi que le soutien du Secrétariat et la gestion des documents. Les […]

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Message du Secrétaire Général

La 19ème conférence de l’AISM qui s’est tenue au prestigieux Centre Songdo ConvensiA du 28 mai au 2 juin 2018 a battu tous les records en attirant plus de 500 participants de 65 pays à travers le monde. La grande exposition organisée par le Comité des membres industriels a aussi connu un nombre record d’exposants […]

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Unique lighthouse heritage in the spotlight in Incheon

One could almost hear visitors holding their breath as soon as they entered the first-ever World Lighthouse Heritage Exhibition. Staged by the Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) at the Songdo ConvensiA Centre in Incheon, this exhibition marks a brave initiative that has come to full fruition against a tight deadline. Officially opening the […]

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A Satellite-Based Augmentation System for the Australian region

The Australian Government has allocated some $225 million to develop a world-leading satellite-based positioning capability.  The funds are to be allocated as follows: $160 million to deliver a Satellite-Based Augmentation System (SBAS), which will provide improved positioning capability across Australia, with applications in aviation, maritime, agriculture, mining and other industries; and $64 million to establish […]

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Risk Assessment using IWRAP MK2 Course

The course will be held for the purpose of providing information and knowledge that are concerned with IWRAP (IALA Waterway Risk Assessment Program tool) to participants by conducting a training workshop and introducing a case study utilized in Japan. Please download the flyer here or connect to your account and register online here:

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Best Practice at its best!

An innovative element of the 19th IALA Conference in Incheon was a special session devoted to a “Best Practice Competition”. Eight presentations (all excellent and all deserving of an award!) led a team of five judges to declare as the winner the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for its disaster preparations and response during the […]

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Committee Structure 2018-2022

At its meeting in December 2017 the Council decided on the new Committee Structure for the period 2018-2022. The arrangement of four technical Committees has served IALA well over many years. An important factor is also the practical consideration of space and facilities at IALA HQ, including secretarial support and documents management. The Committees proposed […]

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