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Alphabetical Index T-Z, - 20 may 2012[edit]
- Tackle
- Tail_chain
- Tail_tube_(of_a_buoy)
- Tail_vane
- Tank_circuit_(G.B.)
- Tank_circuit_(U.S.A.)
- Taper_charge
- Tapper
- Tar
- Target_trail
- TB_cell
- Telemetry
- Template
- Temporary_Light
- Tender
- Tenderer
- Tendering_procedure
- Tension
- Tension-cracked_zone
- Terminal_(of_a_cell_or_battery)
- Test_boring
- Test_load
- Test_sample
- Thermal_Radiation
- Thermal_Radiator
- Thermal_relay
- Thermic_lance
- Thermocouple
- Thermocouple_(2)
- Thermoelectric_generator
- Thermoplastic
- Thrash_(chain)
- Three-phase_alternator
- Threshold_of_hearing
- Threshold_of_Illuminance
- Threshold_of_perception
- Threshold_signal
- Threshold_value_(or_alert_limit)
- Thrust_block
- Tidal_bore
- Tidal_cycle
- Tidal_energy
- Tidal_flat
- Tidal_range
- Tide
- Tide-actuated_generator
- Tide_-_Ebb_tide
- Tide_-_Flood_tide
- Tide_-_Half-tide
- Tide_-_High_tide
- Tide_-_Low_tide
- Tide_-_Neap_tides
- Tide_-_Spring_tides
- Tide_gauge
- Tide_Signals
- Tie
- Tile
- Timber
- Timbre
- Time_delay_switch
- Time_division_multiplex_(TDM)
- Time_switch
- Time_Switch
- Time_switch_(2)
- Time_to_alarm
- Tin
- Tip_speed_ratio
- Topmark
- Topmark_(2)
- Topping_lift
- Top_loaded_antenna
- Toran
- Toran_chain
- Toran_chart
- Toran_Compensating_receiver
- Toran_Confocal_emitters
- Toran_couple
- Toran_Reference_transmitter
- Torque
- Totally_enclosed_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Total_amplitude_of_oscillation
- Total_earthing_resistance
- Total_loss
- Total_polarization_error
- Total_System_Error_(TSE)
- Tower_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Tower_crane
- Tower_rock_light
- Towing
- Towing_winch
- To_bend
- To_bolt
- To_braze
- To_level_(surveying)
- To_level_off
- To_pour_(concrete)
- To_rivet
- To_solder
- To_strike_(formwork)
- To_strike_off
- To_weld
- Trailing_edge
- Transfer_function
- Transformation_of_electric_energy
- Transformer
- Transient_deviation
- Transition_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Transmission
- Transmission_bridge
- Transmission_of_electric_energy
- Transmission_schedule
- Transmissivity
- Transmissometer
- Transmittance
- Transmitter_load
- Transmitter_power_gain
- Transponder
- Transponder_dead_time
- Transponder_reply_efficiency
- Tremie_hopper
- Trench_sheeting
- Trestle
- Triad
- Triangle_of_error
- Trichromatic_System
- Trickle_charge
- Trigatron
- Triggered_spark-gap
- Triggering
- Trigger_level
- Trimming
- Tristimulus_Values
- Troland
- Troposphere
- Tropospheric_radio_duct
- Tropospheric_wave
- Trough_(of_a_wave)
- True_motion_display
- True_position
- Truss_(of_a_roof)
- TR_cavity
- TR_cell
- TR_switch
- TR_switch_and_beam_switching_combined
- Tsunami
- Tube
- Tubular_Discharge_Lamp
- Tubular_Lamp
- Tuned_antenna
- Tungsten-Halogen_Lamp
- Turbulence
- Two-motion_selector
- Two-step_relay
- Two-stroke_engine
- Two-wire_repeater
- Two_buoys_mored_abreast_in_a_channel
- Two_buoys_mored_not_abreast_in_a_channel
- Types_of_service
- Type_DM_Raydist
- Type_E_Raydist
- Type_M_Raydist
- Type_N_Raydist
- T_antenna
- Ultrasonic_test
- Umbrella_antenna
- Undercutting_(of_cliffs)
- Underground_(power)_cable
- Undisturbed_soil_sample
- Uniformly_distributed_load
- Uniform_Diffuser
- Uninterrupted_duty
- Unipole_antenna
- Universal_motor
- Unlighted_Buoy
- Unwatched_Light
- Updating/Refresher_Training
- Upright
- Useful_Life_(of_a_lamp)
- Usual_range_of_a_sound_signal
- Utilisation_factor
- Utilisation_of_energy
- Vacuum_Lamp
- Valve_(of_an_internal_combustion_engine)
- Vaporiser
- Variable-pitch_blade
- Variable_auto-transformer
- Velodyne_integrator
- Ventilator_(passive)
- Ventilator_(powered)
- Vent_plug
- Vertex_plate
- Vertically_polarized_wave
- Vertical_antenna
- Vertical_beam_width
- Vessel_Technical_Error_(VTE)
- Vessel_Traffic_Management
- Vessel_Traffic_Service
- Vestigial_sideband
- Vibration
- Vibration_(2)
- Vibrator
- Vibratory_pile_driving
- Video_mapping
- Viscosity
- Visibility
- Visibility_meter
- Vision
- Visual_Photometer
- Visual_Range
- Void_ratio
- Voltage_(sensitive)_relay
- Voltage_stabiliser
- Voltage_standing-wave_ratio
- Volume_velocity
- Volute_of_a_siren
- VTSO_Position
- VTS_area
- VTS_authority
- VTS_centre
- VTS_Certification_Log
- VTS_Manager
- VTS_Operator
- VTS_Operator_Certificate
- VTS_Operator_Course_Certificate
- VTS_Personnel
- VTS_Sailing_Plan_(VTS_Route_Plan)
- VTS_services
- VTS_Supervisor
- VTS_Supervisor_Course_Certificate
- VTS_traffic_image
- Waling
- Wankel_engine
- Warble_tone
- Warping_end_(GB)
- Wash_primer
- Watch_buoy
- Watch_Buoy_(2)
- Water-cooled_engine
- Water-jet_protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Waterbar
- Watertight
- Water_and_oil_separator
- Water_jetting
- Water_level
- Watt-hour_meter
- Wave
- Wave-actuated_generator
- Wave-train
- Waveguide
- Wavelength
- Wavelength_(2)
- Wave_(2)
- Wave_antenna
- Wave_energy
- Wave_front
- Wave_height
- Wave_interference_error
- Wave_load
- Wave_number
- Wave_reflection
- Wave_surface
- Wave_tilt
- Wear-out-failure_period
- Weather-protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Web_(of_a_girder)
- Weight_tube
- Well-strobe_marker
- Wet_Dock
- Whip
- Whip_antenna
- Whistle
- Whistle_buoy
- Whistle_Buoy_(2)
- White
- Wick
- Wide_aperture_direction_finder
- Wide_aperture_Doppler_direction_finder
- Winch
- Wind-power_generator
- Wind-vane
- Windlass
- Wind_bracing
- Wind_energy
- Wind_energy_conversion_system
- Wind_load
- Wind_shear
- Wind_speed_duration_curve
- Winter_buoy
- Winter_Buoy_(U.S.A.)
- Winter_Light_(U.S.A.)
- Wire_rope
- Withdrawal
- Workability
- Work_barge
- World-Wide_Radio_Navigation_System
- World_geodetic_system_(WGS)
- Worst_case
- Wreck
- Wreck_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Wrought_iron
- X-ray_test
- Yagi_antenna
- Yaw
- Zenith
- Zinc
- Zinc_chromate_primer