Words and music by Knud Benedict
This is a sort of “wrap up” of our IALA-seminar of the risk tool IWRAP Mk II, held in Kuala Lumpur from 20-25th April 2009 for the first time – and now ready to be used as an “IWRAP Anthem” at any following IWRAP-seminar.
Its style is made like a rap song – and it was therefore named IWRAP. Enjoy!
Refrain: (to start with):
IWRAP – This is an IALA tool!
IWRAP – Keeps you smart and cool.
IWRAP – Better book a seminar!
IWRAP – Software make you a star!
Song Text:
If you will ever need some risk control,
There is a nice tool to save your soul.
It is simple and easy to use – maybe…
But you better should join our seminar to see:
Refrain: IWRAP – This is an IALA tool…
We put a traffic leg here and we put a leg there,
and then we add some traffic we might have to share.
And after some seconds – amazingly …,
It turned all red! What could that be?
Refrain: IWRAP – This is an IALA tool…
You might have forgotten in our recipe,
There’s a man on the bridge - very luckily!
This human will be thinning probability
To improve the traffic – accidentally…
Refrain: IWRAP – This is an IALA tool…
Causation factors were blowing up our head,
how we should better call it – Another name instead?
“Reduction of Default” – this was driving us mad.
We should better name it “Omar’s-Factor” – not so bad!
Refrain: IWRAP – This is an IALA tool…
And now the week is over and our mission is done,
We had a lot of work - but also some fun.
Finally our thanks go to IALA,
And to all the staff here in Rue Schnappar!
(alternatively to Mike, Erik, Roger, Omar…
Refrain: IWRAP – This is an IALA tool…
Many thanks for these remarkable days in Kuala Lumpur, Paris &&&…. to all who have supported these very fruitful Seminars!