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Alphabetical Index F-O, - 20 may 2012[edit]
- Fabric
- Facing_wall
- Factor_of_safety
- Fading
- Failure
- Failure_rate
- Fail_safe
- Fair-faced_concrete
- Falsework
- Fascine
- Fast_ice
- Fathom
- Fatigue
- Fatigue_limit
- Fault
- Feathering
- Feedback
- Feedback_path
- Feedback_signal
- Feeder
- Fender
- Fenders
- Fender_pile
- Ferrite_rod_antenna
- Ferro-cement
- Fetch
- Field_alignment_error
- Field_coils
- Field_pole
- Figure_of_eight_reception
- Filament
- Filament_Support
- Filling_plug
- Fill_factor_(FF)
- Filter
- Final_controlled_variable
- Final_value
- Fishplate
- Fissure
- Fix
- Fixed-pitch_blade
- Fixed_antenna_direction_finder
- Fixed_Lens
- Fixed_Light
- Fixed_Mark
- Fixing
- Fixing_moment
- Fixity
- Flagpole
- Flame-protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Flame_Arc_Lamp
- Flange_(of_a_girder)
- Flange_(of_a_tube_or_pipe)
- Flap_valves
- Flash
- Flashed_Glass
- Flasher
- Flashing_(Optical)_Apparatus
- Flashing_Light
- Flash_Tube
- Flats
- Flat_top_antenna
- Flicker_Photometer
- Floating_crane
- Floating_Mark
- Float_charge
- Floor_(of_a_room)
- Fluorescence
- Fluorescent_Lamp
- Fluorescent_Mercury_Discharge_Lamp
- Focal_Distance
- Focal_Plane_(of_a_lens_or_focusing_reflector)
- Focal_Plane_(of_a_light)
- Focusing
- Focusing_Device
- Focus_(of_a_fixed_lens)
- Fog
- Fog-bank_detector
- Fog_detector
- Fog_signal
- Fog_signal_emitter
- Fog_signal_port
- Fog_signal_stack
- Folded_dipole
- Folded_unipole_antenna
- Footbridge
- Footing
- Force
- Forced_oscillation
- Forelock
- Foreshore
- Formwork
- Forward_action_(general_term)
- Foundation
- Four-stroke_engine
- Four-wire_repeater
- Frame
- Frame_(of_an_optic)
- Fraunhofer_region
- Free_oscillation
- Free_sound_field
- Frequency
- Frequency-modulated_radar
- Frequency_channel
- Frequency_converter
- Frequency_deviation
- Frequency_division_multiplex_(FDM)
- Frequency_group
- Frequency_modulation_(FM)
- Frequency_monitor
- Frequency_swing
- Frequency_tolerance
- Fresh_concrete
- Fresnel_Lens
- Fresnel_Profile
- Fresnel_region
- Friction_pile
- Front_Light
- Frosted_Lamp
- Fuel_(2)
- Fuel_cell
- Fuel_consumption
- Fuel_system
- Full-load_operation
- Full_carrier
- Full_Operational_Capability_(FOC)
- Full_Radiator
- Fundamental_frequency
- Furling
- Furniture_(architectural)
- Fuse
- Fuse_carrier
- Fuse_link
- Fuse_Valve
- Fusible_plug
- Fusion_Frequency
- Gabion
- Gain_function
- Gain_of_an_antenna
- Gain_referred_to_a_short_vertical_antenna
- Gallery
- Gantry_crane
- Gap_coding
- Gas-Filled_Lamp
- Gaseous_Discharge_Lamp
- Gas_cylinder
- Gas_engine
- Gas_Jet
- Gate
- Gear_box
- Gel_coat
- Generation_of_electric_energy
- Generator_set
- Geographical_Range
- Geological_survey
- Glare
- Glass-reinforced_plastic
- Glass_wool
- Glazing
- Glazing_bars
- Global_Maritime_Distress_and_Safety_System_(GMDSS)
- Global_Navigation_Satellite_System_(GNSS)
- Glossary
- Gneiss
- Go-no-go_testing
- Goliath_Cap_(G.B.)
- Gong
- Gong_buoy
- Gong_Buoy_(U.S.A.)_(2)
- Gong_buoy_(USA)
- Grab_dredger
- Gradient
- Grading
- Granite
- Grapnel
- Grass
- Gray_code
- Grid_Filament
- Grit
- Groin
- Gross_errors
- Ground-plane_antenna
- Ground_and_Polished_Glass
- Ground_beam
- Ground_chain
- Ground_clutter
- Ground_swell
- Ground_wave
- Ground_wave_-_Radar
- Ground_wave_suppression
- Group-Flashing_Light
- Group-Occulting_Light
- Group_of_wood_or_steel_poles
- Grout
- Grout_curtain
- Groyne
- Guard-rail
- Guide_blades
- Gunmetal
- Gusset_plate
- Gust_of_wind
- Gutter
- Gutter_(of_a_roof)
- Guy
- Hack_boat_(GB)
- Half-duplex_(circuit)
- Half_wave_dipole
- Halide_Lamp
- Hammer
- Handling_capacity
- Handrail
- Handy-billy_tackle
- Hardener
- Hardening_(of_concrete)
- Hardware
- Harmful_interference
- Harmonic_radiation
- Hatch
- Hawsepipe_(of_a_vessel)
- Hawser
- Hazardous_Cargoes
- Head
- Heading
- Helical_antenna
- Helideck
- Helipad
- Hi-fix
- High-speed_launch
- High_Focal_Plane_Buoy
- High_Intensity_Carbon_Arc_Lamp
- High_Pressure_Arc_Discharge_Lamp
- High_Pressure_Mercury_(Vapour)_Lamp
- High_Pressure_Sodium_(Vapour)_Lamp
- High_tensile_steel
- Hinge
- Hinged
- Historic_Lighthouse
- Hogging_moment
- Hoghorn
- Hollow_flooring_block
- Hollow_truncated_cone_filament
- Homing
- Hook
- Horizontally_polarized_wave
- Horizontal_beam_width
- Horn
- Horn_-_Antenna
- Hot-dip_galvanising
- Hour_meter
- HSFG_bolt
- Hub_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Hub_height_(of_a_rotor)
- Hue
- Hunting
- Hunting_(of_an_electric_machine)
- Hybrid_transformer
- Hydrocarbon
- Hydrogen
- Hydrometer
- Hyperstatic
- Hysteresis
- Ice_floe
- Ice_ridge
- Ice_thrust
- Idealized_system
- Ideal_value
- Identification_signal
- Illuminance
- Illuminant
- Illumination_Photometer_(G.B.)
- Image
- Image_frequency
- In-situ_concrete
- Incandescence
- Incandescence_Time_(of_a_lamp)
- Incandescent_(Electric)_Lamp
- Indirectly_controlled_variable
- Induction_coil
- Induction_field
- Induction_motor
- Infant-mortality_period
- Information
- Information_theory
- Inherent_regulation
- Inhibit
- Initialize
- Initial_Operational_Capability_(IOC)
- Injection
- Injectors
- Injector_pump
- Inland_tender_(USA)
- Inlet_chamber
- Input_(process)
- Input_channel
- Input_data
- Input_device
- Input_state
- Input_variable
- Inspection_cover
- Installation_error
- Installed_capacity
- Instantaneous"_automatic_gain_control
- Instantaneous_frequency
- Instantaneous_sound_power_per_unit_area
- Instantaneous_value
- Instantaneous_value_(2)
- Instruction(s)_(as_to_a_vessel’s_navigation_or_movements)
- Instrumental_error
- Insulated_cable
- Insulating_material
- Insulation_(of_a_cable)
- Insulator
- Integral_action
- Integrated_navigation_system
- Integrating_Photometer
- Integrity
- Intensity_modulation
- Inter-trace_display
- Interference
- Interlocking_equisignal_system
- Intermediate_frequency
- Intermediate_Light(s)
- Intermittent_duty
- Intermodulation_products
- Internal_Absorptance
- Internal_combustion_engine
- Internal_Transmittance
- International_Terrestrial_Reference_Frame_(ITRF)
- Interrogating_signal
- Interrogator
- Interrupted_Quick-Flashing_Light
- Intervention
- Inverse_Square_Law
- Inverter
- Ionosphere
- Ionospheric_path_error
- Ionospheric_wave
- Ipot
- Iron
- Irradiance
- Island_station
- Isocandela_Curve_(G.B.)
- Isolated_danger
- Isolated_Danger_Mark_(or_Buoy)_(G.B.)
- Isolated_neutral_system
- Isolating_transformer
- Isophase_Light
- Isostatic
- Isotropic_or_absolute_gain_of_an_antenna
- Isotropic_radiator
- Jack
- Jack-up_platform
- Jamb
- Jetting
- Jetty
- Jib
- Jib_(2)
- Jitter
- Joint_(of_concrete)
- Joist
- Junction
- Junction_box
- Junction_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Kenter_shackle
- Kentledge
- Kerb
- Keyer_(U.S.A.)
- Keying
- Keying_relay
- KeySender
- Key_click
- Kink
- Knocking_(in_a_petrol_engine)
- Ladder_cage
- Ladder_hoop
- Lag
- Lamp
- Lampholder
- Lamp_Changer
- Landfall_Light
- Landfall_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Landing
- Landing_(of_a_stairway)
- Landing_stage
- Landing_stage_(2)
- Landmark
- Land_drain
- Land_light
- Lane
- Lane_count
- Lantern
- Lantern_(2)
- Lantern_deck
- Lantern_gallery
- Lantern_Glazing_(G.B.)_(2)
- Lantern_glazing_(GB)
- Lantern_handhold
- Lantern_tower
- Lap_(of_reinforcement)
- Large_navigation(al)_buoy
- Lashing
- Latching_relay
- Latency
- Lateral_deviation
- Lateral_deviation_error
- Lateral_system_of_marking
- Lathing
- Lattice
- Lattice_(2)
- Lead
- Lead-acid_cell
- Lead-in
- Lead-in_Wire
- Lead-sheathed_cable
- Leaders
- Leading_edge
- Leading_Lights_(G.B.)
- Leading_line
- Leading_Marks_(G.B.)
- Leakage_power
- Leakproof_cell
- Leg_(of_chain)
- Lens
- Lens_Carriage
- Lewis_(GB)
- Life_(of_a_lamp)
- Life_Test
- Lifting_eye
- Lifting_gear
- Lift_(of_concrete)
- Light
- Light-Centre-Length
- Lighted_Buoy
- Lighted_coastal_mark
- Lighthouse
- Lighthouse_(PHL)
- Lighthouse_service
- Lighthouse_tender
- Lighting
- Lighting_(of_a_light)
- Lightning_conductor
- Lightning_conductor_(2)
- Light_(2)
- Light_(3)
- Light_(4)
- Light_Checking_device
- Light_controller
- Light_Exposure
- Light_float
- Light_reflection_properties
- Light_Stimulus
- Light_Valve
- Light_vessel
- Light_vessel_station
- Limestone
- Limited_signal
- Limit_state_design
- Line
- Linearly_polarized_wave
- Linear_Absorption_Coefficient
- Linear_detection
- Linear_detector
- Line_conductor
- Line_voltage_(of_a_three-phase_alternator)
- Link
- Link_(of_a_chain)
- Lintel
- Liquidity_index
- Liquid_petroleum_gas
- Load
- Load-bearing_stratum
- Load_(2)
- Load_factor
- Load_Regulation
- Lobe
- Local_control
- Local_generation
- Local_oscillator
- Log_(of_wood)
- Long-Arc_Lamp
- Long_dash
- Lookout
- Loom
- Loop_alignment_error
- Loop_antenna
- Loop_gain
- Loop_transfer_function
- Lorac
- Loran_A
- Loran_Base_line_extension_monitor
- Loran_C
- Loran_chart
- Loran_Cycle_match
- Loran_C_(2)
- Loran_C_Phase_coding
- Loran_Drift_control
- Loran_Envelope_match
- Loran_Fixed_slave_time_delay
- Loran_monitor_station
- Loran_Slew_control
- Loran_Specific_repetition_rate
- Loran_stations
- Loran_system
- Loran_Time_base
- Loudness
- Loudness_level
- Loudness_level_contour
- Low_Pressure_Mercury_(Vapour)_Lamp
- Low_Pressure_Sodium_(Vapour)_Lamp
- Lubrication_system
- Lumen
- Luminance
- Luminescence
- Luminosity
- Luminous_beam
- Luminous_Efficacy
- Luminous_Element
- Luminous_Exitance
- Luminous_fan_beam
- Luminous_Flux
- Luminous_Intensity
- Luminous_Pencil_Beam
- Luminous_Range
- Luminous_ray
- Luneberg_lens
- Lux
- L_antenna
- Machining
- Magnetic_amplifier
- Magnetic_Declination
- Magnetic_Dip
- Magnetic_field_strength
- Mains_supply
- Maintainability
- Maintenance
- Maintenance-free_battery
- Main_beam
- Main_channel
- Main_drum_(of_a_winch)
- Main_Electrode
- Main_Light
- Main_lobe
- Making_land
- Management
- Manifold_(U.S.A.)
- Manipulated_variable
- Manned_Light_(U.S.A.)
- Mantle
- Mantle_Burner
- Manual_control
- Marginally_detectable_bias_(MDB)
- Marginally_detectable_error_(MDE)
- Marker_beacon
- Marl
- Masonry
- Master_oscillator
- Master_station
- Matching_unit
- Material
- Matrix
- Mattress
- Maximum_power(Pmax)
- Mean_life
- Mean_line_of_course
- Mean_power
- Mean_power_(2)
- Mean_sea_level
- Mean_time_between_failures
- Mean_time_between_failures_(MTBF)
- Mean_time_to_repair
- Mean_Time_To_Repair/Restore_(MTTR)
- Mean_wind_speed
- Measured-Mile_Buoy
- Measuring_element
- Measuring_point
- Mechanical_scanning
- Memory_effect
- Mercury_Bath
- Mercury_switch
- Mercury_switch_(2)
- Mercury_wetted_relay
- Mesopic_Vision
- Message
- Messenger
- Messmotor_(G.B.)
- Metacentre_(of_a_buoy)
- Metacentric_height
- Metadyne
- Metallised_Lamp
- Metal_spraying
- Metal_Vapour_Lamp
- Meteorological_Optical_Range
- Meteorological_Visibility
- Method_of_bins
- Micrometer_Valve
- Mid-Channel_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Middle-Ground_Marks_(or_Buoys)
- Middle_grounds
- Mild_steel
- Mill_scale
- Mimic_diagram
- Miniature_Cap
- Minimum_clearing
- Minimum_distance
- Minimum_signal
- Mirror
- Mission_time
- Mixed_Reflection
- Mixed_Transmission
- Mixer
- Modified_refractive_index
- Modular_construction
- Modulation
- Modulation_envelope
- Modulator
- Module
- Modulus_of_elasticity
- Moisture_content
- Mole
- Monitor
- Monkey
- Monochromatic_radiation
- Mooring
- Mooring_buoy
- Mooring_eye
- Mooring_line
- Mooring_recovery_wire
- Mooring_rope
- Morse_Code_Light
- Mortar
- Mortar_bed
- Moulded_Glass_(or_plastic)
- Moving_target_indication
- Multi-cylinder_engine
- Multi-point_mooring
- Multi-Vee_Filament_(G.B.)
- Multicore_cable
- Multipath_propagation
- Murette
- Mushroom_anchor_(USA)
- Muting
- M_profile
- M_unit
- Nautical_mile
- Navigation
- Navigation_(2)
- Navigation_Lights
- Navigation_Mark
- Necessary_bandwidth
- Negative_feedback
- Neutral_axis
- Neutral_conductor
- Neutral_Filter
- Nickel-cadmium_cell
- Nickel-iron_cell
- Night_effect
- Nigrescence_Time_(of_a_lamp)
- Nipple
- No-break_power_system
- No-load_operation
- Node
- Noise
- Noise_-_electrical
- Noise_figure
- Nominal_operating_cell_temperature
- Nominal_Range
- Nominal_range_of_a_sound_signal
- Nominal_voltage
- Non-skid_covering
- Normal_threshold_of_hearing
- Nut
- Observed_bearing
- Occasional_Light
- Occultation
- Occulting_Hood
- Occulting_Light
- Occupied_bandwidth
- Octahedral_cluster
- Octane_number_(of_petrol)
- ODAS_buoy
- Off-centre_plan_display
- Off-normal_(G.B.)
- Off-peak_period
- Off-peak_power
- Offset
- Oil_Lamp
- Oil_store
- Omega
- Omega_Antipodal_effects
- Omega_Commutation
- Omega_Lane_resolution
- Omnidirectional_antenna
- On-load_voltage
- On-off_control_system
- On-off_keying
- On-off_switch
- On-the-job_training_(OJT)
- Opal_Lamp
- Open-circuit_voltage
- Open-circuit_voltage_(Voc)
- Open-link_chain
- Open-loop_control
- Open-mesh_flooring
- Open_loop
- Open_position_(of_a_switch)
- Operable
- Operating
- Operating_air
- Operating_conditions
- Optic
- Optical_Axis
- Optical_coupler
- Optical_Density
- Optical_Focus
- Optical_Glass
- Optical_Panel
- Optic_Pedestal
- Optic_rotation_mechanism
- Optimum_load_impedance
- Order_(of_an_optic)
- Organ_of_Vision
- Oscillating_water_column
- Outfall_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Output_(process)
- Output_channel
- Output_data
- Output_device
- Output_power
- Output_state
- Over-interrogation
- Overall_efficiency_of_an_R.F._stage
- Overhead_(power)_line
- Overload
- Overload_(2)
- Overload_protection
- Overload_relay
- Overturning_moment
- Oxidation
- Oxygen