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Alphabetical Index P-S, - 20 may 2012[edit]
- Pack_ice
- Padstone
- Paint
- Painting_(process)
- Paint_(2)
- Parabolic_antenna
- Parabolic_Reflector
- Paraffin_(soil)
- Paraffin_Vapour_Lamp
- Parallel-plate_lens
- Parallelling
- Parallel_connection_(of_sources)
- Parallel_redundancy
- Parapet
- Parasitic_radiation
- Parity_bit
- Parity_check
- Parity_code
- Pass
- Pattern
- Pattern_recognition
- Peak_envelope_power
- Peak_envelope_power_(2)
- Peak_load
- Peak_pulse_power_(carrier_frequency)
- Peak_wind_speed
- Peat
- Pentagonal_cluster
- Percentage_content_(of_solids)
- Percentage_of_Visibility
- Perception
- Performance_monitor
- Period
- Periodic_duty
- Periodic_quantity
- Period_(of_a_rhythmic_light)
- Permanent-magnet
- Permanent_echo
- Permanent_Light
- Permanent_load
- Petrol_(G.B.)
- Petrol_engine
- Phantom_target
- Phase
- Phase_converter
- Phase_deviation
- Phase_meter
- Phase_modulation_(PM)
- Phase_voltage_(of_a_three-phase_alternator)
- Phosphorescence
- Photo-electric_switch
- Photoelectric_Photometer
- Photoluminescence
- Photometer
- Photometry
- Photopic_Vision
- Physical_Photometer
- Pick-up_factor
- Pick-up_ratio
- Pickling
- Pier
- Pierhead
- Pier_(2)
- Pigment
- Pile
- Pile_cap
- Pile_driving
- Pile_helmet
- Piling
- Pilotage
- Piloting
- Pilot_Light
- Pin
- Pin_Cap_(G.B.)
- Pipe
- Piston
- Piston_ring
- Pitch
- Pitch_(of_a_chain)
- Place_of_Refuge
- Plane_of_polarization
- Plane_polarized_wave
- Plane_wave
- Plank
- Plan_position_indicator
- Plastic(s)
- Plasticity
- Plasticity_index
- Plate
- Plate_Glass
- Platform
- Play
- Plinth
- Plug_(masonry)
- Plug_(top)
- Plywood
- Pneumatic_relay
- Pointing
- Point_Brilliance
- Point_source
- Point_visibility_meter
- Point_Vision
- Poisson's_ratio
- Polarisation_(of_an_electrochemical_cell)
- Polarization
- Polarization_error
- Polarized_relay
- Pole_Beacon
- Polychromatic_radiation
- Polymer
- Pontoon
- Population
- Portal_frame
- Port_Hand_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Position_control_system
- Position_determination
- Position_fixing
- Position_line
- Position_line_(2)
- Position_of_rest
- Positive_feedback
- Post
- Potential_annual_energy_output_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Potentiometer
- Power
- Power_curve_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Power_gain_-_antenna
- Power_line
- Power_pack
- Power_system
- Pre-emphasis
- Pre-Focus_Cap
- Pre-Focus_Lamp
- Pre-ignition
- Precast_concrete
- Precision
- Predrilled
- Prefabricated
- Preservation
- Pressure
- Pressure-reducing_valve
- Pressure-relief_valve
- Pressure_reducing_valve
- Pressure_stat
- Prestressing
- Preventive_maintenance
- Pricking_Out
- Primary_cell
- Primary_Light_Source
- Primary_radar
- Primer
- Prime_mover
- Principal_axis
- Prism
- Prismatic_Lens
- Prismatic_Section
- Profile_(of_a_fixed_lens)
- Profile_(of_a_lens,_other_than_a_fixed_lens)
- Progressive_wave
- Projector
- Projector_Lamp_(G.B.)
- Propagation_error
- Propane
- Proportional_action
- Proportional_plus_derivative_action
- Proportional_plus_integral_action
- Proportional_plus_integral_plus_derivative_action
- Protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Protected_machine
- Protection
- Pseudolite_(pseudo-satellite)
- Pulse
- Pulse-modulated_radar
- Pulse_amplitude_modulation_(PAM)
- Pulse_code_modulation_(PCM)
- Pulse_droop
- Pulse_duration
- Pulse_duration_coding
- Pulse_duration_modulation_(PDM)
- Pulse_duty_factor
- Pulse_forming_line
- Pulse_frequency_modulation
- Pulse_modulation_(by_pulses)
- Pulse_modulation_(of_pulses)
- Pulse_position_modulation_(PPM)
- Pulse_power
- Pulse_repetition_frequency
- Pulse_repetition_frequency_(PRF)
- Pulse_repetition_rate
- Pulse_repetition_rate_(PRR)
- Pulse_rise_time
- Pulse_spacing
- Pulse_spike
- Pulse_tilt
- Pulse_time_modulation_(PTM)
- Pulse_train
- Punching
- Pure_sound
- Purkinje_Phenomenon
- Purlin
- Push-button_(switch)
- PZ-90_geodetic_system
- Quantity_of_Light
- Quantization
- Quantization_distortion
- Quantization_error
- Quantizer
- Quarantine_(Ground)_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Quarter_wave_skirt_dipole
- Quay
- Quay_(2)
- Quick-Flashing_Light
- Quick_lime
- R.F._head
- R.F._stage
- Rack
- Racon
- Radar
- Radar_beacon
- Radar_echo
- Radar_equation
- Radar_head
- Radar_performance_figure
- Radar_reflector
- Radar_reflector_response_pattern
- Radar_relay_system
- Radar_repeater
- Radar_target
- Radial_Screens
- Radiance
- Radiant_energy
- Radiant_exitance
- Radiant_exposure
- Radiant_intensity
- Radiant_power
- Radiation
- Radiation_efficiency
- Radiation_field
- Radiation_intensity
- Radiation_monitor
- Radiation_pattern
- Radio
- Radio-isotope_generator
- Radiodetermination
- Radiogoniometer
- Radiolocation
- Radionavigation
- Radio_beacon_-_Continuous_carrier
- Radio_beacon_-_Dual_carrier
- Radio_beacon_-_Non-Directional
- Radio_beacon_characteristic
- Radio_beacon_range
- Radio_beacon_station
- Radio_determination
- Radio_horizon
- Radio_leading_line
- Radio_Lens
- Radio_receiver
- Radio_telemetry
- Radio_transmitter
- Radio_waves
- Rafter
- Rain_clutter
- Rake_(of_a_pile)
- Raking_pile
- Ramark
- Ramp
- Rana_system
- Random_access
- Random_access_memory
- Random_error
- Random_error_(2)
- Random_triggering
- Range_marker
- Range_rings
- Ratan
- Rated_Life_(of_a_lamp)
- Rated_power_output
- Rated_wind_speed_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Rating
- Rating_(of_a_machine_or_apparatus)
- Raydist
- Raydist_Lane_resolution
- Raydist_Relay_station
- Re-entrant_horn
- Re-radiation
- Re-radiation_error
- Reaction
- Reactor-start_motor
- Ready-mixed_concrete
- Real_time
- Real_time_processing
- Reaming
- Rear_Light
- Rebate
- Rebuilding
- Receiver_radiation
- Reciprocating_(air)_compressor
- Reciprocating_engine
- Recombination
- Reconstruction
- Record
- Recorder
- Recording
- Recording_equipment
- Record_(2)
- Rectifier
- Reduced_carrier
- Redundancy
- Redundancy_(2)
- Red_lead_primer
- Reed
- Reed_box
- Reed_fog_signal
- Reed_holder
- Reef
- Reference_frequency
- Reference_input_signal
- Reflectance
- Reflection
- Reflector
- Reflector_(2)
- Reflector_Lamp
- Refraction
- Refraction_(2)
- Refractive_index
- Refractive_Index
- Refractive_modulus
- Refractor
- Refresher_Training
- Refurbishment
- Refusal
- Register
- Register_(2)
- Regular_Transmission
- Regulator
- Reinforced_concrete
- Reinforcement
- Reinforcing_bar
- Reinforcing_Mirror
- Relative_display
- Relative_gain_of_an_antenna
- Relay
- Reliability
- Reliability_(of_an_observation)
- Reliability_(of_a_position_fix)
- Relief
- Relief_davit
- Remotely_Controlled_Light
- Remote_control
- Rendering
- Renovation
- Repair
- Repeatability
- Repeater
- Reperforator
- Replication
- Reply_hits
- Reply_of_a_transponder
- Reserve_buoyancy
- Reset
- Residual_error
- Residual_octantal_error
- Resin
- Resistance-start_motor
- Resistance_starting_(of_a_motor)
- Resolution
- Resolve
- Resolving_time
- Resonance
- Resonance_(2)
- Resonant_reed_(2)
- Resonant_reed_filter
- Response_time
- Response_Time
- Responsor
- Restoration
- Retarder
- Retina
- Retro-Reflecting_Material
- Retro-Reflection
- Retro-Reflector
- Revalidation_Training
- Reversibility
- Reversing_switch
- Revetment
- Revolving_Screen
- Rhythmic
- Rhythmic_Light
- Rib
- Riding_chain
- Rigging
- Ring
- Ring_around
- Ring_beam
- Ring_bolt
- Ring_main
- Ring_time
- Ripple-through_counter
- Riprap
- Rise_time
- Rise_time_(of_a_pulse)
- Rising_main
- River_tender_(USA)
- Rivet
- Roads
- Rock
- Rods
- Rolled_section
- Rollers
- Roll_damping_device
- Roof_batten
- Root_mean_square_error_(RMS)
- Rotary_(air)_compressor
- Rotary_converter
- Rotary_electric_machine
- Rotary_stepping_relay
- Rotary_switch
- Rotating_loop_direction_finder
- Rotating_Optic
- Rotation_monitor
- Rotor_(of_an_electric_machine)
- Rotor_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Rotor_of_a_siren
- Rough_Service_Lamp
- Rubble_(stone)
- Rubble_mound_breakwater
- Running_ground
- Sacrificial_anode
- Safety
- Safety_hand-hold
- Safety_precautions
- Sagging_moment
- Sample
- Sampled-data_control_system
- Sampling_(of_a_signal)
- Sandstone
- Satellite_navigation
- Saturation
- Scaffolding
- Scan
- Scantling
- Scattered-light_meter
- Scattering
- Schmitt_trigger
- Scotch_mist
- Scotopic_Vision
- Scour
- Screed
- Screen
- Screen-protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Screened_cable
- Screened_loop_antenna
- Screened_transformer
- Screen_(2)
- Screen_wall
- Screw
- Screw_Cap
- Sea
- Seabed
- Sealed_cell
- Search
- Search_coil
- Seaward_pierhead
- Sea_(2)
- Sea_clutter
- Sea_horizon
- Secondary_battery
- Secondary_cell
- Secondary_Light_Source
- Secondary_phase_error
- Secondary_radar
- Second_moment_of_area
- Section
- Section_modulus
- Sector_(of_a_sector_light)
- Sector_Angle
- Sector_display
- Sector_Light
- Sector_scanning
- Seismic_forces
- Selective_Radiator
- Selectivity
- Selector_switch
- Self-check
- Self-rectifying_air_turbine
- Self_discharge
- Semaphore
- Semaphore_station
- Semicircular_component_of_error
- Senhouse_slip_(GB)
- Sensation
- Sense
- Sense_finding
- Sensitivity
- Sensor
- Separator
- Septic_tank
- Serial_operation
- Series-parallel_connection_(of_sources)
- Series-wound_machine
- Series_connection_(of_sources)
- Service_area
- Service_buoy
- Service_capacity
- Service_conditions
- Service_duct
- Service_life
- Service_motor_boat
- Service_room
- Service_Vessels
- Servo_mechanism
- Set-off
- Setting_(of_concrete)
- Settlement
- Settling_time
- Set_(of_a_pile)
- Set_value
- Shackle
- Shackle_(2)
- Shadowing_(of_a_solar_cell)
- Shadow_region
- Shaft_encoder
- Shallow
- Shallows
- Shear
- Shearlegs
- Shear_force
- Shear_stress
- Sheet-piled_wall
- Shelf_life
- Shell
- Shifting_sand
- Shift_register
- Shingle
- Ship_Domain
- Ship_Safety_Zone
- Shock_absorber
- Shop_primer
- Shoran
- Shoran_Calibrated_variable_phase_advancer
- Shoran_Indicator
- Shoran_Monitor
- Shoran_Time_base
- Shoran_Variable_delay_network
- Shore
- Shore_(2)
- Shore_station
- Short-Arc_Lamp
- Short-circuit_current_(Isc)
- Shot_blasting
- Shrinkage_(of_concrete)
- Shunt-wound_machine
- Shutdown_wind_speed_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Shutter
- Sideband
- Sideband_(2)
- Side_echo
- Side_frequency
- Side_lobe
- Side_lobe_suppression
- Sieve
- Sighting_Device
- Signal
- Signal-to-noise_ratio
- Signal_convertor
- Signal_flow_diagram
- Signal_Lamp
- Significant_wave_height
- Silent_period
- Sill
- Silt
- Simmering_Current
- Simplex
- Simply_supported_beam
- Single-Coil_Lamp
- Single-cylinder_engine
- Single-Flashing_Light
- Single-Occulting_Light
- Single-phase_alternator
- Single_point_of_failure
- Single_sideband_transmission_(SSB)
- Sinker
- Siren
- Site_error
- Site_error_susceptibility
- Site_investigation
- Skin_friction
- Skirting
- Skywave_accuracy_pattern
- Skywave_correction
- Slab
- Slag
- Slaked_lime
- Slate
- Slave_station
- Slewing_guy
- Sliding_form
- Sling
- Slip-ring_motor
- Slip_(of_an_asynchronous_machine)
- Slip_(of_a_soil)
- Slotted_guide_antenna
- Slot_radiator
- Small_tree
- Smoothing_filter
- Snatch_block
- Snow
- Socket_(outlet)
- Socket_and_plug_connection
- Soffit
- Software
- Soil_classification
- Solar_array
- Solar_cell
- Solar_energy
- Solar_irradiance
- Solar_irradiation
- Solar_module
- Solar_panel
- Solid_conductor
- Sound
- Sounding_air
- Sounding_valve
- Sound_absorption
- Sound_emitter
- Sound_emitter_-_Diaphragm
- Sound_emitter_-_Electric
- Sound_emitter_-_Electrodynamic
- Sound_emitter_-_Electromagnetic
- Sound_emitter_-_Horizontal_array
- Sound_emitter_-_Mechanical
- Sound_emitter_-_Operating_valve
- Sound_emitter_-_Plane_array
- Sound_emitter_-_Pneumatic
- Sound_emitter_-_Stacked_array
- Sound_emitter_array
- Sound_emitter_unit
- Sound_energy_flux
- Sound_field
- Sound_intensity
- Sound_level_A_B_or_C
- Sound_level_meter
- Sound_particle_velocity
- Sound_power
- Sound_power_level
- Sound_pressure
- Sound_pressure_level
- Sound_signal
- Sound_source
- Sound_spectrum
- Source_error
- Spaced_antenna_direction_finder
- Spaced_loop_direction_finder
- Spacer
- Space_wave
- Spacing_(Antenna)
- Spacing_error
- Span
- Spare_light_vessel_(GB)
- Spark_plug
- Spar_Buoy
- Specification
- Specific_fuel_consumption
- Spectral_concentration
- Spectral_distribution_curve
- Spectral_Luminous_Efficiency
- Spectrum
- Spectrum_analysis
- Spectrum_pressure_level
- Specular_Reflection_(2)
- Spherical_Buoy
- Spherical_divergence_loss
- Spherical_Reflector
- Spherical_wave
- Spindle_Buoy
- Splash-protected_enclosure_(or_machine)
- Split-phase_motor
- Split_key
- Spoiler
- Spoil_Ground_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Spot_welding
- Spreader_beam
- Spread_of_bearings
- Spurious_emission
- Spurious_radiation
- Square_law_detection
- Square_law_detector
- Squirrel-cage_motor
- Stabilisation
- Stabilised_power_supply_(unit)
- Stability
- Stability_(2)
- Stabilization_(in_radionavigation)
- Stabilizing_pendulum
- Stainless_steel
- Stair_well
- Stair_well_(2)
- Stakeholder(s)
- Stand
- Stand-by_apparatus
- Standard_(radio)_atmosphere
- Standard_Illuminant
- Standard_Lamp
- Standard_propagation
- Standard_radio_horizon
- Standard_refraction
- Standard_refractive_modulus_gradient
- Standard_wave_error
- Standby_Lamp
- Standby_Light
- Standby_redundancy
- Star-delta_starting_(of_a_three-phase_motor)
- Starboard_Hand_Mark_(or_Buoy)
- Start-up_wind_speed_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Starter
- Starter_bar
- Starter_motor
- Starting_Electrode
- Starting_motor
- Star_chain
- State_of_charge
- Static_converter
- Static_load
- Static_pressure
- Station
- Stationary_battery
- Stationary_wave
- Station_battery
- Station_control
- Stator_(of_an_electric_machine)
- Stator_of_a_siren
- Steel
- Step-strobe_marker
- Stepped_Lens
- Stepping_motor
- Step_control_system
- Sterling_board
- Stiction
- Stiffener
- Stiffness
- Stiles-Crawford_Effect
- Stirling_engine
- Stirrup
- Storage
- Storage_(2)
- Storage_(air)_cylinder
- Storage_life
- Storage_tube
- Storey
- Store_room
- Straight-Filament_Lamp
- Strain
- Straits
- Stranded_conductor
- Stratification
- Stray_Light
- Stray_pick-up
- Stress
- Stringer
- Stripes
- Strobe
- Strobe_pulse
- Structural_member
- Strut
- Stud-link_chain
- Sub-refraction
- Subcarrier
- Submarine_(power)_cable
- Submersible_motor
- Subsidence
- Subsidiary_Light
- Substructure
- Subtense_Angle
- Suction_dredger
- Summing_point
- Sun_switch
- Superheterodyne_reception
- Superstructure
- Superstructure_(of_a_buoy)
- Superstructure_(of_a_buoy,_usually_lighted)
- Super_refraction
- Support_moment
- Suppressed_carrier
- Surcharge
- Surface-following_discus_buoy
- Surface_duct
- Surface_treatment
- Surface_wave
- Surge
- Surge_absorber
- Surveillance_radar
- Survival_wind_speed_(of_a_wind-power_generator)
- Sustainable
- Swell
- Swell_(2)
- Swing_-_angle
- Switch
- Switchboard
- Switchgear
- Switching_device
- Swivel
- Synchro
- Synchronisation_error
- Synchronism
- Synchronous_Lights
- Synchronous_motor
- Synchronous_motor_(2)
- Synchronous_speed_(of_an_electric_machine)
- Synchro_angle
- Synchro_resolver
- Systematic_error
- Systematic_errors
- System_deviation